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Job Announcement From Airports Authority of India (AAI) 2022 with 596 Vacancy of Junior Executive Post

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Tamil Nadu Govt Jobs 2023 Arasuvelai 2023 Tamil Nadu Arasu Velai Vaippu 2023 Jobs Today Tamil TN Govt Jobs 2023 TN Govt Jobs 2023 Tamil TN Jobs Jobs Tamila Jobs 2023


Conscription OF Administrators THROUGH Port:

Airports Authority of India (AAI), a Management of India Public Subdivision Undertaking, comprised by an Act of Legislature, is trusted accompanying the accountability of creating, improving, asserting, and directing obliging aviation foundation two together on the ground and into the air room in the country. AAI has been awarded accompanying the Tiny Ratna Classification – I Rank.


The number of vacancies is tentative and can increase or decrease at the singular caution of AAI. The description of various types of restriction labeled as appropriate for the post shall be as delimited under RPwD Act, 2016.


I. Strength endure be:

(i) From an acknowledged/deemed academy or a top Organization (IIT/IIM/IIMS/XLRI/TISS, etc.) is recognized by apiece Administration of India; and

(ii) Allotment of marks: – Minimum 60% marks or equivalent for Bachelor’s Standard.


a) The fitness under the type of women accompanying disabilities is for those bodies the one is bearing 40% or more restrictions.

b) No claim of possession of a requirement equivalent to the arbitrary requirement be going to be entertained.

c) Place a business is necessary in the distinguishing degree, the competitor is necessary to produce an order/message displaying the Authority (accompanying number and date) designating the business in the preparing point.

d) In the case of an Integrated Master’s Grade in Construction, the aspirant will produce a certificate event of document proof for someone the property of the Graduate Degree and an assertion of marks circulated apiece Academy/Institution.

e) Bidder must particularly signify the portion of marks obtained (premeditated to the most forthcoming two units of the mathematical system) in the appropriate column of the use. Place the portion of marks is not conferred for one University but only CGPA/OGPA/DGPA/Current retail prices etc. or report grade in a grade is distributed, the same be going to be convinced into allotment in conditions of conversion standards of the Academy concerning this. The aspirant will have to produce the equivalent authentication/document circulated for one Academy ensuring an equivalent allotment of marks when demanded document proof.

f) Turning off allotment (%) will not be accepted by any means for concern for a job that is 59.99% will be treated as inferior to 60%.

g) The date of proclamation of result/distribution of Mark Coating shall be deliberately expected the date of characterizing and skilled shall be no entertainment on this report.

h) No knowledge is owned by applying for duplicate posts.


1. Maximum age limit is 27 age as of- 21/01/2023

2. The maximum age limit is relaxable by 3 age for OBC(NCL) and 5 age for SC & ST;

3. Maximum age is relaxable by 10 years for PWD;

4. For Ex-military, age entertainment is appropriate as arbitrary by Govt. of India orders circulated from time to time.

5. Above age is relaxable by 10 age for applicants the one is in regular help of AAI.

6. The Date of Beginning as written in the Registration/Secondary Test Guarantee will only be entitled to. No, after requests for a change in date of birth will take pleasure in.


1. Stratum warrant circulated on or before 21/01/2023 by the Able Expert in the layout recommended apiece Government of India will be offered to apiece SC/ST bidder, at the time of documentary proof.

2. Bidders owned by the OBC classification but coming in the ‘Smooth Coating’ are not labeled to OBC restriction and age relaxation. They endure signifying their classification as Outspoken.

3. Candidates owned by the OBC classification should produce a genuine OBC (NCL) authorization issued in the 12-month accounting period 2022-23 and holding the Non-smooth tier clause in the layout for assignment to posts under the Administration of India, concurrently with an activity of Document Verification for someone they’re owned by OBC society in the Principal list of OBC. The certificate bear has existed circulated on or later than 01.04.2022. OBC (Non-Creamy Tier Guarantee) for admittance to instructional purposes will not be considered.

4. Contenders owned by the EWS type should comply with an Income & Advantage diploma genuine for the 12-month accounting period 2022-23 issued for one Able Expert in the arbitrary format as per OM No.36039/1/2019-Estt (Depend) out-of-date 31.01.19 of DoPT, Bureau of PPG&P, Govt. of India, event of document verification.

5. Bodies accompanying Criterion Restrictions (PwBD), of not less than 40% of appropriate restriction be going to be worthy for condition. They will have to comply with a right Restriction Guarantee issued on or before 21/01/2023 for one Able Expert as per the Govt of India directions. Persons accompanying Yardstick Restrictions (PwBD), can relate to the respective posts as marked in the opening analyses, even though the post is not reserved for bureaucracy but has existed labeled as Acceptable. However, the aforementioned aspirants will be thought-out for choice to aforementioned posts by a general standard of merit.

6. All the certificates containing the happening certificates circulated apiece Competent Expert bear either affiliated with the organization in Hindi or English. Some variation in the stratum name will not be entitled to. For certificates circulated in some language apart from Hindi/English, interpreted copy of the unchanging accordingly attested by a Scrivener is expected endured.

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