Chennai Substitute batter Conscription 2023 – 74 DEO, Medical Deputy, Researcher Vacancy:
Chennai Substitute batter Conscription 2023: Neighborhood Health People Chennai has determined to hire 74 DEO, Healing Police, and Researcher posts in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The Offline application began from 08-01-2023 to 23-01-2023. The official announcement and application analyses will be accessible at https://chennaicorporation.gov.in/.
The Chennai DHS will conduct the picking process on an Interview base. Bidders should check the analyses about restrictions, age limit requirements, collection, and payroll analyses in the post below. delight share our site with your all companions.
Instructional Restriction:
Only those residing in Chennai are fit to request
1. Medical Deputy
(DTC) – 1. MBBS from Organization acknowledged by the Healing Cabinet of India. 2. Should be recorded accompanying the Public Medical Commission.
2. Healing Deputy
(Medical Seminary) – 1. MBBS from Organization acknowledged by the Healing Cabinet of India. 2. Should be recorded accompanying the National Healing Commission.
3. Senior Healing Deputy
(DR TB Centre) – 1. MBBS from Institution acknowledged by apiece Medical Assembly of India. 2. Endure being recorded in the National Healing Commission
4. Sector PPM Coordinator
1. MSW/ M. Sc Attitude- Post Graduate.
2. Individual period experience of occupied engaged in Communication/ ACSM/ Public – Private Alliance/ Energy projects/ Programs
3. Lasting two-wheeler forceful license.
5. Mathematical Assistant Cum DEO- (Nodal DRTB Centre)
1. Graduate in enumerations accompanying Degree in computer use or equivalent acknowledged by the Body for Mechanics Instruction
2. Typing speed of 40 w.p.m in English and Tamil.
3. Bear be experienced with MS Discussion, Surpass, and statistical whole.
6. Senior Situation Director ( STS)
1. Bachelor’s Degree in Science or Acknowledged clean inspector’s course.
2 Authentication courses in MS Commission.
3 Lasting two-wheeler forceful License.
7. Dossier Entry Driver (DEO)
1. (10+2) accompanying Credentials in computer request or equivalent acknowledged by the Clan for Mechanics instruction.
2. Typing speed of 40 w.p.m in English and Tamil.
3. Concede possibility be well experienced with differing calculating programs containing MS Word, Surpass, and plain statistical whole.
8. Researcher (LT)
Twelfth (10+2) and 2 Age Credentials course in Healing Laboratory Electronics Acknowledged by DME.
9. TB Health Foreigner (TB HV)
1. Graduate in skill or Having twelve of something (10+2) in science and two-period course in MPHW/ LHV/ ANM/ Strength worker.
2. Infection strength callers recognized the course
3. Affidavit course in MS Commission.
10. Counselor (DRTB Centre)
1. College degree in Social service/ Social psychology/ Psychology
2 Elementary Information of Computer
Chennai Substitute batter DEO & Researcher Election Process 2023:
The application will want something filed based on essential instructional restrictions and the documents offered. The eligible aspirants will be demanded an interview. The dates of the interview will be communicated by post later. The post will be suffused by following the collective roster. No TA/DA will be due for accompanying the interview.
Using what to apply for Chennai Substitute batter DEO & Researcher Post:
The duly suffused-in request accompanying relevant self-affirmed copies of the certification should reach the commission of “The Programme Deputy, Region TB Centre, No.26, Puliyanthope High Road, Puliyanthope, Chennai- 600 012”, by post or straightforwardly on or before 23.01.2023 till 5 pm. Requests received further the last date and opportunity will not from something.
இந்த வேலைக்கான OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION DOWNLOAD செய்ய 40 வினாடிகள் WAIT பண்ணுங்க நண்பா.
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