Applications are persuaded for a 3-period preparation course for distribution of a “Licence for Land Surveying”, from aspirants, the one has given a 3-period ‘Diploma in Community Planning’ from an Institution of higher education / Polytechnic certified by the Area of Mechanics Instruction, Management of Tamil Nadu.
Complete analyses can be downloaded from the Administration of Tamil Nadu’s official site computer network.tn.gov.in
For More Detailed Information CLICK HERE
A notice circulated by the Manager of Survey and Conclusion:
The claimant endures being a resident Aboriginal American and concedes the possibility have nested for ancient times 5 years in the united states of America of Tamil Nadu event of requesting the course.
The aspirant concedes the possibility have studied Tamil as a subject in ‘SSLC’ (X-Gonorrhea).
The objective of the Course:
To give preparation in Land Scrutinizing and to issue Licence, so that deprived instrumentalities can enlist bureaucracy for conducting land surveys.
The seekers can note that the license in land scrutinizing will not bring about any advantage in Administration contracting.
Skilled will be no guarantee for business or remuneration afterward being an ‘Authorized Assessor’.
Course Construction:
first Two Months of Preparation in each assortment for Established Survey using Chain, Cross-Stick, and Theodolite and in Up-to-date Survey utilizing a Radio signal receiver.
Instructional Qualifications:
Pass a 3-period “Voucher in Obliging Construction” from an educational Institution / Polytechnic certified apiece Area of Mechanics Instruction, Government of Tamil Nadu.
Choice Process:
The choice will be contingent on the greater overall percentage of marks got in the “Degree in Civic Metallurgy”. No. of trainees per batch will be 100. (150 Rejection.
will acquire information at Tamilnadu Survey Preparation Institute, Orathanadu, and 50 Rejection.
Will be trained at C –Star Preparation Center Anna Academy Square, Chennai) Suffused-in use along with copies of instructional mark lists, certificates, etc.,
bear be shipped by Recorded post to “The Principal/Joint Director(Preparation), Survey Preparation Institute, Orathanadu-614625, Thanjavur Precinct”.
The wrapper containing the request concede the possibility of being superscribed: as“Use for a Preparation course on ‘Licence for Land Surveying’’’.
I reveal that I am an inhabitant Aboriginal American, and I have existed residing in the united states of America of Tamil Nadu from ancient times 5 age.
I herewith declare that the analyses supplied above are real and correct to the best choice of my knowledge and assumption and I attempt to notify you of some changes therein, instantly.
If one of the details given by me is erect to be wrong, the judicial proceedings can surrender against me.
Request forms endure being suffused legibly in BLOCK LETTERS.
A current authorization-proportion photograph of the aspirant must be affixed to the scope to help and it endures be self-affirmed.
Self-affirmed copies of mark sheet of SSLC, combined mark page circulated later successful accomplishment of the Warrant (or mark coating circulated for each term), Recognition and added instructional certificates, Ration Card, Aadhar Calendar or some additional document certified as Address & labeling proof for one Main Management / Administration of Tamil Nadu should be encircled accompanying the request.
Household purchasers at subsidized rates:
It is projected to spread 1 crore CFL lamps at a subsidized cost of Rs.15 per bulb against the real cost of Rs.100 as a substitute for Glowing Lamps to household consumers for accomplishing a conditional of about 250 MW in a phased approach for Rs. 85 crores by TANGEDCO.
Supplying of Automatic rhythm review conveniences:
Mechanical meter examination conveniences will be achieved in a phased method. In the first phase, the ease will be widespread to all HT buyers.
Toughening of Transmission Foundation:
For reconstructing the Broadcast Network in the united states of America, extreme capacity spine link 400 KV double track lines from Tirunelveli to Chennai joining Kayathar, Karaikudi, Pugalur, and Singarpet will be taken willing active broadcast of most power broadcast across united states of America and 60 numbers Substitute-Stations accompanying associated lines.
Institution of different energy from an undepletable source hallway accompanying a 400 KV Sub-Station:
To empty the capacity from the wind alternator, it is projected to have a separate hallway accompanying the 400KV substations at Thappagundu (New SS)- Anaikadavu(New SS) and Rasipalayam (New SS) in addition to the befriended 400 KV lines of 336 Ckt Km.
Change of HT & LT overhead lines into HT & LT cables in cyclone-likely seaside towns:
Experience big damage began by the “Thane” twister, it is projected to convert HT Overhead lines and LT Overhead lines into HT cables and LT cables for the smooth renovation of supply at a tentative cost of Rs.490 crores in a phased form, in twister-likely seaside towns.
Energy conditional Manifestation project for the Farming subdivision:
To make the land buyers comprehend the adeptness improvement, it is projected to start a manifestation project by establishing star-ranked energy-adept inject happen a select person who produces crops on a pilot base.
Strength-effective supply sets mandatory for new relates:
As a measure of Strength Preservation in the Land Sector, it is projected to form the chance of strength adept (minimum three-star labeled) Land supply sets required for accomplishing new Agricultural duty relations.
Obtainment of meters by customers for the new service network:
To protect the delay in accomplishing duties on account of the non-chance of meters, agreeable buyers will grant permission to acquire meters from any of the certified Peddlers.
It is projected to authorize a call center at Thoothukudi Corporation.
Knowledge press for political action strength preservation measures & safety facial characteristics:
To spread strength preservation and safety in the habit of power, it is projected to initiate a knowledge campaign to create knowledge about security lineaments and preservation measures.
To encourage the custom of cosmic rooftops Hon’ble Chief Minister’s Awards will take occurring to different types of purchasers to produce maximum solar radiation.