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Agnipath Agniveer SSR Recruitment 2022 | 12th Pass to Any Degree | Apply 1400 Posts

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Tamil Nadu Govt Jobs 2023 Arasuvelai 2023 Tamil Nadu Arasu Velai Vaippu 2023 Jobs Today Tamil TN Govt Jobs 2023 TN Govt Jobs 2023 Tamil TN Jobs Jobs Tamila Jobs 2023


Aboriginal American Fleet INVITES ONLINE Uses FROM Eligible MALE AND Eligible FEMALE Contestants FOR AGNIVEER (SSR):

Online uses are proposed from eligible male and unmarried female contenders (the one discharge fitness conditions as laid down for one Administration of India) for enrolment as Agniveer (SSR) for the 01/2023 (Can 23) batch. The total vacancies are 1400 (containing a maximum of 280 females only), which will be reserved in a state-reasonable tone. The fitness tests and broad terms and environments are laid down here below.

Instructional Abilities:

Able in 10+2 test with Arithmetic & Physics and not completely individual of these subjects:- Allure/ Any branch of natural science/ Computer technology from the entertainment industry of School Education acknowledged by Bureau of Instruction, Govt. of India.

Matrimonial Status:

Only widowed Aboriginal American male and female aspirants are eligible for enrolment as Agniveer in IN. Bidders will present a warrant of being ‘unmarried’ event of enrolment. Agniveers be going to not grant permission to marry all the while their complete ownership of four ages in the IN. A candidate is going to be discharged from duty if he/ she marries during welcome/her reign or is established expected already wedded regardless of bestowing a certificate of being widowed.

Event assisting:

The Agniveers be going to be enrolled in the Aboriginal American Fleet under the Fleet Act 1957, for four ages. Indian Fleet is not bound to hire the Agniveers beyond the date ending of four age.


30 days leave occurring shall be appropriate for Agniveers. Furthermore, a leave given for illness would be applicable to establish the healing recommendation of an able medical expert.

Pay, Concessions, and United Benefits:

Agniveers will be due a package of ₹30,000 per temporal length of event or entity’s existence accompanying an established yearly accretion. Also, risk and calamity, dress, and travel concessions will be paid.

Calculating-located Test:

(a) The question paper will be computer-located accompanying a total of 100 questions, each accomplishing a 01 mark.

(c) The question paper will form four sections that are English, Erudition, Arithmetic, and General Knowledge.

(d) The standard of the question paper will be that of 10+2. The summary & sample documents for the test are available on the site computer network.joinindiannavy.gov.in.

(e) The event the test will be one period.

(f) The nominees are necessary to pass in all portions in addition to in aggregate. The Aboriginal American Fleet reserves the right to determine the pass marks in each Portion and in aggregate.

(g) Aspirants endure noting that there will be a punishment (Negative Designating) for wrong answers likely by a bidder. There are four substitutes for the be responsible for each question. For each question for that, a wrong answer has existed likely apiece candidate, one of four equal parts (0.25) of the marks filling a place in that question will be deducted as a punishment.

(h) Centre Allocation for INET (connected to the internet test) will bother the judgment of the Indian Fleet. 20. Test Compensation. A test fee of Rs. 550/- (Rupees Five hundred having 50 of something only) plus 18% GST has due for one candidate all the connection to the internet use through connected to the internet mode by utilizing net investment or by utilizing Visa/ Master/ RuPay Credit/ Card for shopping without cash/ Newsgathering organization. Permit cards will make public for the examination only to those nominees the one have favorably paid the test expense.


(a) Salary already paid is going to not be returned by any means nor can the payment be held reserved for some added examination or excerpt.

(b) Contenders raise to have recorded multiple periods hopefully rebuffed and debarred from the examination. Compensation for test costs would not carry out in such cases.

(c) With the understanding you have fashioned and connected to the internet payment of payments and services has happened de- ducted from your report without accepting the program being produced (ie failing payment), delight predicts 7 active days for an automatic refund of services to your report.

Main News:

(a) Mobile phones or some additional ideas devices are illegal inside the bounds place the test is being conducted. Some breaches of this information shall require a penalty containing a ban from future examinations.

(b) Contenders are strongly considered to ask connected to the internet well contributing without pausing for the last date for compliance of the Connected to the internet application.

(c) No contestant concedes the possibility fool around by any means or creating an untidy setting on test premises. This will require disability.

(d) While inserting the welcome online Use Form, the nominee concedes the possibility of carefully ruling about the welcome choice for the part of the Test.

(e) Candidates concede the possibility prevent enduring multiple uses. If the as well individual request is received from an applicant, the welcome grassroots campaign will be canceled.

(f)The resolution of the Indian Fleet concerning the fitness or otherwise of a competitor at all stages of conscription is going to be final.

(g) Wrong facts about accommodation certificates will influence the cancellation of the grassroots campaigns at some stage of conscription, preparation, and thereafter.

Primary Health examination:

A beginning Medical Examination will carry out for bidders the ones holding the right to PFT. Candidates distinguishing primary health examination will be thought-out “Provisionally fit liable to be subjected appropriateness in the ending medical examination”. The conclusive Conscription Health examination of all picked candidates will see at In Chilka. Contenders who are erect and medically inadequate in beginning healing will be advised to appeal against allure judgments, if they so desire, at the named military hospital (assigned for one Aboriginal American Fleet) within a maximum ending of 21 days. No further review/ appeal is allowable.

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இந்த வேலைக்கு நீங்கள் விண்ணப்பிக்க விரும்பினால் இந்த LINK ஐ CLICK செய்யுங்கள்:
👉 https://www.joinindiannavy.gov.in/en/page/agniveer-ways-to-join.html

🔴 இந்த வேலைக்கான OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION DOWNLOAD செய்ய 40 வினாடிகள் WAIT பண்ணுங்க நண்பா.

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