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Indian Navy Agniveer Recruitment 2023 | 12th Pass to Any Degree | Apply Online

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Tamil Nadu Govt Jobs 2023 Arasuvelai 2023 Tamil Nadu Arasu Velai Vaippu 2023 Jobs Today Tamil TN Govt Jobs 2023 TN Govt Jobs 2023 Tamil TN Jobs Jobs Tamila Jobs 2023

Tamil Nadu Govt Jobs 2023 Arasuvelai 2023 Tamil Nadu Arasu Velai Vaippu 2023 Jobs Today Tamil TN Govt Jobs 2023 TN Govt Jobs 2023 Tamil TN Jobs Jobs Tamila Jobs 2023

Aboriginal American Fleet Agniveer Recruitment 2023 | 12th Transfer Some Degree | Ask Connected to the Internet:

Indian Airforce Agniveer Conscription 2023 | 1365 Vacancies | 12th Transfer Any Strength | Payroll Rs 30000 to 40000 | Central Govt Tasks 2023 in Tamilnadu | Command Jobs Connected to the Internet.

Agnipath Blueprint Jobs 2023 Aboriginal American Fleet Agniveer Jobs Properly Freed this Notification.

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Fitness Environments:

1. Online uses are encouraged from unmarried male and eligible female aspirants (who conform to fitness conditions as laid down by apiece Government of India) for enrolment as Agniveer (SSR) for the 02/2023 (Nov 23) lot.

The total vacancies are 1365 (containing a maximum of 273 females only), which will be reserved in a state-reasonable form.

The eligibility tests and broad agreements and conditions are laid down below.

Instructional Abilities:

Qualified in 10+2 test accompanying Maths & Physics and not completely individual of these subjects.

Allure/ Plant structure/ Computer Science from the entertainment industry of School Instruction recognized by Bureau of Instruction, Govt. of India.

Tamil Nadu Govt Jobs 2023 Arasuvelai 2023 Tamil Nadu Arasu Velai Vaippu 2023 Jobs Today Tamil TN Govt Jobs 2023 TN Govt Jobs 2023 Tamil TN Jobs Jobs Tamila Jobs 2023


Candidate endures spring between 01 Nov 2002 – 30 Apr 2006 (Two together dates all-encompassing).

Marital Rank:

Only eligible Indian male and female applicants are worthy of enrolment as Agniveer in IN.

Candidates will present a certificate of being ‘eligible’ concurrently with an activity of enrolment.

Agniveers shall not grant permission to wed during their whole occupation of four years in the IN.

An aspirant is going to be dismissed from duty if he/ she marries along his/her regime or is raised to be earlier wedded despite bestowing a warrant of being unmarried.

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Event assisting:

The Agniveers shall be registered in the Aboriginal American Navy under the Fleet Act 1957, for four ages. “Agniveers would form a distinct rank, various from some other existent rank, and hopefully the junior-most rank in the Aboriginal American Fleet”.

Indian Fleet is not bound to retain the Agniveers further the date period of four age.


30 days leave occurring shall be appropriate for Agniveers.

Furthermore, sick leave would be appropriate to establish the medical recommendation of an able medical expert.

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Pay, Concessions, and Allied Benefits:

Agniveers will due a bundle of ₹30,000 per month accompanying an established yearly augmentation.

Also, risk and hardship, dress and travel concessions will due.

Seva Nidhi:

Agniveers shall take of highest quality-time Seva Nidhi bundle encompassing their monthly gift in addition to a matching offering apiece Government on the accomplishment of their date period, as registered beneath.

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Enrolment as Sailors (Normal Infrastructure):

On completion of four age assisting, based on the organization’s necessities and procedures promulgated for one Aboriginal American Navy, Agniveers will be presented with the freedom to apply for constant enrolment in the Aboriginal American Fleet.

These applications will be thought-out in a concentrated manner and established objective tests including acting all along their four-year date ending and up to 25% of each particular array of Agniveers will be enrolled in Aboriginal American Fleet for further re-engagement as marines (balanced cadre).

Agniveers will not have some right expected selected for further enrolment into the Aboriginal American Fleet.

Selection of the Ag- niveers for further enrolment, if some, be going to be at the caution of the Aboriginal American Navy.

Seagoing Annuity Regulations/ Gift:

Agniveers will not be ruled by provisions held in the Seagoing Pension Managing/ Rules (as corrected from time to time).

Furthermore, Agniveers will not deserve a reward gratuity for the date ending.

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Release at Own Request:

Agniveers will not be permitted to receive free at their request before the completion of the date ending.

However, in private phenomenal cases, personnel registered under this blueprint may make it public, if authorized by an able expert.

Ex-servicemen Rank:

Agniveers will not be fit for ex-Servicemen rank.

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Healing & CSD Facilities:

In the intervening time of their date period in the Aboriginal American Fleet, Agniveers will be entitled to Healing conveniences at service nursing homes in addition to CSD provisions.

Competitors are considered to get their ears uncluttered for fuller, and tartar removed from dentition before health examination:

(a) Candidates should select any three points for the connection to the internet examination, at their availability.

Contestants can be assigned some other site to view legislative reasons.

The choice of examination center cannot be altered late selecting apiece contestant or allot- ted for one Aboriginal American Navy.

Gather Reports cum Admit Cards for the connection to the internet test indicating date, occasion, and place, that are scheduled all the while Jul 2023, hopeful required expected downloaded from the site https://agniveernavy.cdac.in tentatively individual period before the online test.

(b) Gather Letters cum Permit Badge for written test/ PFT hopeful required expected downloaded from the enrollment portal: https://agniveernavy.cdac.in.

No military conscription memo cum admit label will be posted.

(c) Only Electronic manner of ideas will be used while talking to the aspirants and no documents would be posted at some stage of recruitment.

(d) The original documents uploaded to apiece contestant during the connection to the internet contents of the application namely original certificates, mark sheets, Residency certificate, and NCC affidavit (if grasped) are to be led for one candidate by any means stages of conscription (Written Test, PFT and Conscription Medical Examination and Conscription at In Chilka).

Original documents will be verified at each stage of conscription. If the details supported in the ‘connected to the Internet application’ are not equal to the accompanying original documents at any stage, the grassroots campaign will be canceled.

(e) Nominees declaring incorrect Residency/ Feminine and other analyses be going to not be permitted to perform in the conscription and their candidature hopeful canceled.

(f) Results of the calculating-located online test will make public experimentally after 30 days.

Shortlisted aspirants will be demanded Stage II (PFT, Inscribed Examination & Conscription Health examination).

(g) Centre Distribution for written exam/PFT will bother the judgment of the Aboriginal American Navy.

(h) The pick of a nominee will stand canceled and he/ she will have no claim for enrolment in the Aboriginal American Navy or the applicant forsakes to report on the date and time noticed in the resolution reached an answer.

(j) The candidate’s election about the cluster is valid for that collection only.

Skillful aspirants whose names do not appear in the merit list cannot claim confirmation for the next bunch.

(k) All picked candidates, search out and produce the self-affirmed certificates endured at the time of contents connected to the internet use, along with all original certificates, at In Chilka.

If the analyses determined during the connection to the internet request are not equal to the original certificates created at In Chilka, the grassroots campaign will be canceled.

(l) All selected aspirants will log in Lawman Verification Form and add joined forms in addition to the Call-up reply for Conscription at In Chilka.

The candidates will properly endure the alike to INS Chilka afterward gaining their predecessors in family verified on Lawman Proof Form/ Connected to the internet Police Proof Form from the Custodian of Lawman of their respective area of authority.

Nominees endure having a Police Proof Form from either place of apartment or place of residence or business where one can be contacted.

Candidates outside the confirmed Lawman Verification Reports and Reports accompanying unfavorable comments will not be worthy of enrolment.

The format for the lawman proof form can be downloaded from the website computer network.joinindiannavy.gov.in/ https://agniveernavy.cdac.in.

(m) No asking will from something regarding this conscription/ enrolment following in position or time six months.


(a) Travelling phones or some different communication designs are barred inside the joints where the test is being attended.

Some infringements of this education are going to require disciplinary action containing a ban from future examinations.

(b) Competitors are powerfully advised to request connection to the Internet well as long as without resting for the last date for compliance of the Connected to the Internet application.

(c) No competitor endure fool around in any manner or conceive an unlawful setting on examination houses.

This will require disability.

(d) While filling out the welcome connected to the Internet Request Form, the candidate endures painstaking rules about his choice for the point of the Test.

(e) Contenders should prevent enduring diversified applications.

If in addition individual request is received from an applicant, the welcome grassroots campaign will be canceled.

(f) The decision of the Aboriginal American Fleet concerning the eligibility of a nominee at all stages of recruitment is going to be definitive.

(g) Wrong facts about accommodation certificates will result in the erasure of grassroots campaign at some stage of recruitment, preparation, and thenceforth.

Take care OF AGENTS/ CHEATS/ Praises/Unsociable Aspects:

Persons demanding compatibility accompanying the officials of the Seagoing Conscription Organisation concede the possibility of promising to get an aspirant inducted and at which point the pretext concedes the possibility accumulate services.


Approach the Lawman and lodge an FIR with the understanding of some badgering by touts.

All short-filed seekers are circulated a Call-up memorandum cum Acknowledge Check.

Before succumbing to the promises of some power wait! If you think that you can catch belongings approved unlawfully, you are in charge of mislay! You are considered to conduct yourself as a law-abiding villager of the country and give up utilizing unfair resources.


The agreements and conditions likely in the endorsement are directions only and are subject to change outside notice.

Further, orders circulated by apiece Government, as corrected now and then will relate to the selected bidders.

Conscription Health examination:

A recruitment Health examination will carry out for applicants who hold the right to PFT.

Bidders restricting Recruitment Health examination will be thought-out for the merit list.

Nominees who are established medically inadequate in Conscription Medical Examination will become aware of information to appeal against allure judgments, if they so desire, at the designated field hospital (assigned to apiece Indian Fleet) within a maximum ending of 21 days.

Medical appropriateness certificates circulated by clinics other than named Military Nursing homes (assigned by the Aboriginal American Fleet) will not be thought-out.

No further review/ appeal is permissible.

Merit List:

Merit list will be adapted to established depiction in Stage-II written examination, subject to the requirement in Bodily conditioning Test and Conscription Medical Examination.

Merit List for Agniveer (SSR) – male and female will be contingent on state-intelligent merit.

The halt marks for the issue of a call-up answer for conscription at In Chilka may change from state to state.

The merit list will be free on the site https://agniveernavy.cdac.in by Oct 23.

Final Conscription Medicals:

The conclusive Conscription Medical Examination of all picked aspirants will be attended at INS Chilka.

Inference of the bidders will be contingent on qualifying in the Ending Health examination.

Healing Standards:

(a) Health examination will be attended by approved military doctors as per medical flags recommended in current requirements applicable on effort.

(b) Masculine Some candidates, if establish to have ruling traits of the opposite gender as proved on extrinsic medical examination, will be rejected as Ill-equipped.

Some contestants having sustained grammatical rules applying to nouns that connote sex or animateness reassignment resection will be declared Ill-equipped.

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