Department of Defence:
Requests are invited from Male/Female applicants for the conscription to the under-noticed posts at Command post-Dakshin Bharat Area, Islet Premises, Chennai – 600 009 and Station Nerve center, Chennai – 600 009.
Place of Written Test, Ability Test, and Classifying Test:
Islet Domains, Chennai – 600 009 (Tamil Nadu).
Age Limit:
(a) UR(For both Male / Female) – 18-25 Age
(b) SC/ST (For two together Male / Female) – 18-30 Age
(c) OBC (For two together Males / Women) – 18-28 Age (Those the one produce non-creamy coating license (OBC Type) will only be deliberate against OBC quota)
(d) EWS (For two together Men/women) – The benefit of reservation under EWS may be used upon the result of a Wage and Asset Affidavit circulated for one recommended Authority. The Deputy who issues the diploma should validate all appropriate documents in the following society as recommended by the specific State / UT.
One is not covered under the restriction blueprint for SCs/STs/OBCs and whose offspring has a gross annual profit below Rs 8 Lakhs.
Earnings going to further involve income from all beginnings, that is payroll, agriculture, trade, declaration, etc.
(a) 12th Class or equivalent required from a recognized Board or Academy (For the post of LDC).
(b) Registration pass or equivalent aptitude from a recognized board (For the post of Cook and MTS).
(c) Must hear about Aboriginal American Boiling and ability in trade (For the post of Cook)
(d) No weightage will take for bigger aptitude.
(e) Blueprint of examination – the test will amount to an inscribed test only. Questions will be objective type.
(f) Written test will be attended for content up these posts as it includes induction to Group ‘C’ posts.
(g) All contestants will be proven for bodily conditioning and written test.
(h) Only strong nominees to administer (Medical appropriateness credential expected attributed from an authorized Govt Clinic Doctor)
Classifying Test (For the post of LDC only):
English Classifying @ 35 w.p.m on the computer (or) Hindi Classifying @ 30 w.period afternoon and before sunset on the calculating. (35 disputes per minute and 30 words per minute matching to 10500/9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions in each discussion.
4. Individual Candidates can command singular posts under some type/reservation. Uses taken from the alike candidate for various posts are contingent be rebuffed.
5. The SC/ST/OBC aspirants who administer against Gen (UR) vacancies are not fit for the age and added adjustments meant for SC/ST/OBC. 6. Main Administration Civilian Clerks must furnish a “No argument warrant” from their organization/commission at the time of the ability test different their grassroots campaign will be canceled.
How to ask:
Use in the arbitrary layout duly achieved thoroughly facets accompanying attested copies of appropriate certificates bear be shipped to the Presiding Officer C/o Deputy Superior Military, Main office Dakshin Bharat Area, Peninsula Domains, Chennai – 600 009 to reach inside 21 days from the publication concerning this notice through by post/messenger. No use will be accepted independently.
The following documents concede the possibility like very much the use form:
(a) Two copies of recent authorization-diameter photographs of individuals attested on the reverse by Gazetted Deputy and joined in different cover and concede possibility be pasted on the request form at the appropriate place and affirmed by a Gazetted Deputy.
(b) Attested copies of certificates and tributes in evidence adult/date of beginning/educational abilities and occurrence, (if some), etc.
(c) Affirmed copies of SC/ST and OBC Non-Creamy Tier certification in the recommended form issued by an able expert as necessary apiece Central Govt.
(d) Discharge diploma for Ex-military place applicable.
(e) EWS certification for EWS place appropriate.
(f) Two self-focused envelopes of the proportion of 23cms x 10 cm and append Rs 25/- postal squash each wrapper.
The application and the additional documents bear be organized in the following order and tightly followed or attached person or group favoring top corner:
(a) Additional Photograph.
(c) Affirmed copies of certificates
(d) Self Forwarded envelopes properly affixing Rs 25/- postal squash each wrapper.
The closing date of the certificate of applications will be within 21 days from the date of the magazine concerning this advertisement. The superior age limit of bidders will be premeditated to establish by the closing date of the application. This commission will arrange some postal delay or deficit in transit/messenger. Wanting requests will be summarily rebuffed outside some ideas with the nominees.
No TA/DA will be due to the contender appearing in the inscribed test.
Use compliance does not vest the contenders some right expected called for a composed test / another accompanying test.
No interim agreement about the status of the request(s) will from something.
Some legal cases emergent concerning this conscription will be contingent on the Chennai High Court’s area of authority.
Accepted Education:
(a) Use without the particularized copies of certificates as supervised in the commands will be rejected and no different asking/agreement will from something.
(b) Incomplete / Unavailable uses will be regarded as invalid and rejected outside hints to the contender. Only the worthy and selected bidders will be demanded the composed test and further tests.
(c) Candidates whose use is taken at an unspecified future time and found complete/worthy completely all the while audit will be called for a test.
(e) Picked bidders will take appointment memorandums by worried experts liable to be subjected to verification of personality and predecessors in the family by worried Community Magistrates and healing appropriateness from healing authorities.
(f) As long as of their loss to produce original/essential documents subsequently the ability test, the candidature is contingent be rebuffed. Documents having a connection with essential education/university / Happening guarantee will be hindered after ability tests. The original Social class / Integrity Certificate will be restrained afterward from the ability tests.
All bidders are warned of expected painstaking from the supposed powers and self-styled powers or Main office Dakshin Bharat Region, Chennai against any abuse visualized/noticed by the ruling class. seen/noticed visualized/noticed.