Stick Pick Commission will hold a Linked Graduate Level Examination, 2023 for contents up differing Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ posts in different Departments/ Areas/ Organizations of the Administration of India and differing Constitutional Parties/ Sanctioned Frames/ Tribunals, etc:
The Commission forms the definitive allocation of posts based on merit cum preferences of Posts likely apiece contenders and earlier a post is assigned, no change of posts will ought apiece Commission on account of non-accomplishment of some post-specific necessities of material/ healing/ instructional principles, etc. In other words, for instance, if a contestant has a likely larger predilection for a post and is selected for that post; on account of the case, if he (for that reason conceding the possibility understand information as ‘he/ she’) abandons to meet the medical/ tangible/ instructional guidelines, welcome (therefore may understand information as ‘welcome/ her’) grassroots campaign will be rebuffed and he will not be thought-out for other choices.
While bestowing predilection of posts as and when necessary for one Commission, the candidates concede the possibility note that skilled are any posts like Examiner (Main Excise/ Examiner/ Deterrent Deputy), Examiner and Substitute-Examiner in CBN (Ministry of Finance), SubInspector/ Younger Agility Deputy in NCB (MHA), Substitute-Examiner in CBI and NIA, etc. which have particular necessity of Tangible Flags, Material Tests and Medical Flags (Analyses likely at Annexure-XVII). Nominees must ensure that they execute all the necessities of the Posts before bestowing their inclinations/ alternatives for such posts.
The aspirant picked for the post of Helper Audit Deputy/Helper Accounts Deputy will be assigned to miscellaneous places in the Area spread across India based on the number of vacancies. Further, the picked competitors accompanying Bachelor’s degrees in Commerce or accompanying good abilities will by preference be assigned to the Commercial stream established supervisory necessities and liable to be subjected to the chance of vacancies.
Process of Certification and Plan of Certificates:
Bidders the one wish expected deliberate against reserved vacancies or inquire about age entertainment must endure the need for certificates from the able authority, in the arbitrary plan when specific certificates are wanted by worried Indenting Departments/ Institutions event of documentary proof. Alternatively, their claim for SC/ ST/ OBC/ EWS/ PwBD/ ESM classification will not be entertained and their grassroots campaign will be canceled. The plans of the certificates are adjoined accompanying the Notice concerning this Examination. The certification of restriction circulated under the Guys accompanying Disabilities (Equal Hope, Care of Rights and Complete Partnership) Act, 1995 (1 of 1996) will further be valid. Certificates in some added plans are contingent be rebuffed.
Candidates are warned that they must guarantee that they concern with the type as inserted in the application form and can explain the unchanging by accessory the need guarantee from the competent expert when specific certificates are wanted by worried Indenting Areas/ Organizations event of document proof, failing that their grassroots campaign will be canceled.
The bidders with yardstick restrictions (PwBD) concede the possibility note that they must select the appropriate PwBD substitute classification i.e. OH/ HH/ VH/ PwBD-Different while inserting the use form as per their diploma of disadvantage issued for one able expert. No after-change of the PwBD substitute category will grant permission by any means. Specific competitors be going to have to supply the needed affidavit from the able expert as declared in the request form when aforementioned certificates are wanted by worried Indenting Areas/ Organizations concurrently with an activity of document proof, failing that their grassroots campaign will be canceled.
commission yielding, reservation, age-entertainment, etc., place not particularized alternatively, will be the closing date for a voucher of online uses is 03-05- 2023.
One pursuing a job based on the restriction to OBCs must guarantee that he maintains the social class/ society certificate and does not put into place the buttery tier on the critical date. 6.6 Candidates concede possibility again note that in respect of duplicate, their grassroots campaign will wait provisional till the truth of the worried document is confirmed for one Appointing Expert. Candidates are warned that they will be debarred from the test transported.
Using what to administer:
Requests must be submitted only in connection to the internet fad at the site of the SSC Command post which is https://ssc.nic.in. Detailed demands, will concern Annexure-III and Annexure-IV.
In connection to the Internet Request Form, candidates are necessary to transfer data to a server the leafed through color warrant-breadth photograph in JPEG format (20 KB to 50 KB). The concept measure of the photograph concedes the possibility concern 3.5 cm (breadth) x 4.5 cm (height). Stubbornness accompanying the Order out-of-date 05.03.2020 of the Hon’ble Highest federal court having to do with Shantanu Kumar & Ors.
Before complying with the Request Form, the bidder must guarantee that the photograph is uploaded as per the given information. If the photograph is not uploaded for one aspirant in the requested layout, his request/ grassroots campaign will be rebuffed or canceled. A sample of photographs outlining photographs acceptable/photographs not agreeable is still likely in Annexure-V.
The last date and occasion for compliance with online requests is 03-05-2023 (23:00).
Contestants are considered in their interest to offer the connection to the internet application much before the closing date and not waiting till the last date to prevent the chance of break/ failure or deterioration to login to the SSC website because of the burdensome load on the site along the closing days.
The Commission will not arrange for the candidates not being smart to present their uses inside the last date because of the aforesaid reasons or for some different reason further the control of the Commission.