NLC India Company
(‘Navaratna’ – Government of India Institute)
Registered Office:: EV Ra Periyar Highway, Kilpakkam, Chennai – 6000010. Head Office: Circle – 1, Neyveli-607801. Tamil Nadu.
Separate reservation for vocational training for eligible persons among those who have provided land and house to NLCIL
Subject to the provisions of the Vocational Training Act – 1961, eligible persons who have provided land and house to NLCIL after 1977 for training Vocational Training will be given separate reservations in the following pieces of training. Candidates for Apprenticeship under this reservation should submit applications and copies of 12 (2), check notices and certificates before 31.08.2022 at 5.00 PM (Working Days Only) at Land Acquisition Department address.
Copies to be enclosed with the application:
1. LA details form.
2. Mark sheet (ITI Mark sheet).
3. Transfer certificate.
4. Community certificate.
5. Education Certificate (ITI Certificate).
6. Succession certificate of ex-servicemen.
7. Handicapped certificate.
8. 12 (2), a notice of Sec.
Document Attached with Application:
1. HSC Mark sheet.
2. Transfer Certificate.
3. Community Certificate (in case of belonging to SC/ST/OBC / EWS).
4. Degree Certificates / Provisional Certificate.
5. Consolidated mark sheet (or) Semester–wise Mark sheet.
6. Proof for Physically with Disabled person (PWD) (if applicable).
7. Proof for wards of Ex-Serviceman (if applicable).
8. LA details form (can be downloaded).
9. 12(2) cheque notice.
Other Qualifications:
• Age Limit: Should have completed 14 years on 01.04.2022.
• Those who have undergone this training before or are currently undergoing training are not eligible for re-training,
• Only those who have provided land and house to NLCIL are eligible to apply. Method of Applying
How to Apply:
1. To apply, fill the ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM on the website www.nlcindia.in between, 10.00 am on 10.08.2022 to 5.00 pm on 24.08.2022 and take a PRINT of the application form.
2. The copies to be attached with the signed application should be submitted to the following address by 31.08.2022 at 5.00 PM.
General Manager Land Acquisition Office N.L.C. India Institute, Neyveli-607803.
3. Eligible candidates will be selected for training on the basis of verification of the attached photocopies of the applications and the Selected List of candidates will be published on the notice board of the Land Acquisition Office, Learning and Development Center notice board, and on the website www.nlcindia.in on 23.09.2022.