Captivating use on deputation (Diplomatic staff term action) in Singular Identification Expert of India (ulDAI) Local commission at Lucknow
The Unique Labeling Expert of India (UlDAl) is an independent sanctioned ALrthority set Lrp under the Aadhaar (Targeted Childbirth of Commercial and Different Subsidies, Benefits and Duties) Act, 2016 for Aadhaar enrolment, confirmation, and added functions specified in Division 23 and different Divisions of the Act. Regional Commission, Lucknow arrange relating the work of Aadhaar enrolment, ar. confirmation and different actions in the united states of America of Uttar Pradesh.
UIDAI invites applications for contents Lrp the following vacancies (concede possibility change at the time of the election) on a group of representatives footing on Foreign Service conditions, in allure Local Office 3rd Floor, Uttar Pradesh Samaj Kalyan Nirman Nigam Construction, to-+etV, Vibhuti Klrand, Gornti Nagar, Lucknow- 226010 from among appropriate and eligible agents as per the following necessities.
Age Limit:
For all the posts noticed above, the contender should be below 56 age adults as of the closing date of the application.
Ending and added agreements and conditions of a group of representatives:
The ending of banishment shall be of five ages. The superior area may be responsible arr deputy for an inferior ending as per their own policy/rules, which concede the possibility of not being inferior for three years by any means.
The common conditions and conditions of aids at UIDAI will be controlled as per Singular Identification Expert of India (Assignment of Executives and employees) Organizing, 2020 8L allure after improvements, and guidelines of the Main Goverrttnent concerning this. The said earlier regulations are vacant on the site of UIDAI (computer network.Lridai.gov.in).
The terms of the committee, containing the pay and concessions, except leave, shall be controlled for one supplying laid down in the Area of Workforce & Preparation Commission Memorandum No. 61812009- Estt. (Pay ll) out-of-date l7 June 2010 and different orders directions issued this regard now and then. The leave of a deputy on the committee shall be contingent on the abandoned rule of UIDAI.
Principal Government workers finalizing 05 age of service concede the possibility to command of these posts.
Worthy and willing contestants can relate to the UIDAI in the prescribed format – Annexure l, in addition to photocopies of the ACRs/APARs for the last five (5) ages.
The ready applicants can present their advance request Lrpto 31.10.2022, to the Director (HR)’ Singular Labeling Expert of India (UIDAI), Regional Commission, 3rd Floor, Uttar Pradesh Samaj Kalyan Nirman Nigam Construction, “it’s-461 V, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow- 226010. Nevertheless, their uses will be considered only later taking the alike through proper channels in addition to advocating documents.
Framework Controlling experts/Head of Areas are wanted to forward applications of fit and ready aspirants whose services may be forgiven on delegation instantly on their selection, following the following documents most recent by 15.11.2022.
i. Affirmed copy of the application in recommended proforma – Annexure I.
ii. Core Approval Certificate from the Ruling Expert.
iii. Declaration giving detail of Important/Minor punishments, mislead the Officer, if some, all along the last ten (l0) age Annexure Il.
iv. Carefulness Clearance/Purity Guarantee (Annexure-II).
v. Photocopies of the ACRs/APARs for the last five (5) ages duly affirmed on each page by a deputy, not beneath the level of Under Secretary or equivalent (Annexure II).
While aiding the request it grants permission also be confirmed and ascertained by apiece cadre ruling expert that the details supplied by the candidate are correct (Annexure-II).
Uses taken after the last date/wanting requests still not take pleasure in. Candidates the one command the post will not grant permission to withdraw their grassroots campaign afterward. UIDAI reserves the right not to gather resources for all or any of the vacancies or to retire the circular at whatever time outside designating any reasons.
i. Manager (CS Disconnection), Area of Personnel and Preparation, Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi – accompanying a request to post the unchanging on the DoPT website.
ii. All Departments/Areas of the Govt of India accompanying a request to give expansive someone to the opening in their Attached and Subordinate buildings. Independent/Sanctioned Corpses and PSEs.
iii. All the State Governrnerrts, Adrninistratiorr of [Jnion Domains accompanying a request to present wide someone to the opening in their miscellaneous Departments/Places.
iv. Head of the institution: DRDO, Prasar Bharati, ISRO. NIC, CoLrncil of Experimental & Industrial Research. 1-RAI, NHAI, C-DAC, BSNl, MTNL, BBNI- accompanying a request to present expansive publicity to the opening in their Arranging.
v. Indian Banks’ Partnership (LBA): accompanying a request to give off-course someone to the opening in all PSU Banks.
vi. Site of UIDAI/ NCS Entrance vii. News Division, UIDAI HQ for publicizing the opening is not completely two communal dailies and Recruitment Revelation and on UIDAI’s Giggle account.