Management STRIVES TO HAVE Trained workers THAT Indicate GENDER BALANCE AND Wives Contenders ARE Heartened TO Request:
Connected internet users are invited from worthy nominees for the following posts in miscellaneous Parts of the Area of Nuclear energy. The selected bidders on the job are contingent on one of the Constituent Units of the Area of Nuclear energy situated in different parts of the Country. Analyses and fitness criteria for the posts are likely beneath.
i) For Post Codes 12301 and 12303 to 12306, 05 age of happening in Fire Fighting field is necessary for pursuing the advantage of 05 age of entertainment in superior age.
ii) For Administrative applicants with 03 age of constant aid in Main Administration, in consideration of age concession for postcodes 12301 to 12305 (being Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ posts) is 05 age, and for numerical identifier for address 12306 (being Group ‘C’ post) is upto 40 age (45 age for SC/ST). A form of license search out be submitted by Main Administration operators pursuing age entertainment.
1. Notwithstanding duplicate occurrence, the aspirants outside BE (Fire) standard must have 3 ages of relevant knowledge following in position or time acquiring the need restriction.
2. Must own a valid Weighty Tool Forceful License and be completely experienced with the movement and perpetuation of Fire Power plants, Fire Pumps, and different fire fighting supplies.
3. Occurrence in a post not below the rank of Station Deputy in a traditional whole-period Fire Aids institution is essential.
1. However the above occurrence, the bidders must have 3 ages of appropriate occurrence following in position or time obtaining the need restriction.
2. Happening to endure affiliate with the organization a well-established Fire Duty Institution.
3. Concede possibility be experienced accompanying the Movement and Maintenance of Fire Turbines, Fire Pumps, and additional fire fighting supplies.
Stage – 1:
1. The seekers the one achieve the requirements will be demanded Tangible Guidelines as per Table – 1 beneath.
2. Those the one meet the Physical Guidelines will be demanded Tangible Estimate Test as per the tests laid down in Table – 2 below. Also, Command Test will be transported for the Address identifier 12305.
3. Those the clear the Tangible Appraisal Test & Command Test for Post code 12305 and Material Amount Test for Numerical identifier for address 12306 will only be granted permission to perform in Stage-2 (Preliminary Test).
1. In addition to duplicate tests, nominees for Address identifiers 12304 and 12305 be going within financial means to conduct Tangible Training, Crew drills, fire-fighting drills, and fire-fighting/preview inject movements.
2. Test of driving skill is necessary for Post Code 12306.
3. Preparing for Test at Sl. No. 1 of Table -2 is binding, failing that, the competitor will be ill-equipped for recruitment and further tests will not carry out.
4. The characterizing portion marks necessary for the tests from Sl. No.2 to 7 of Table – 2 (attractive equal weightage) made by putting pieces together shall be 90% and above approximately.
5. Contestants bearing PAT concede the possibility act at their own risk and Area will not be responsible for some harms maintained.
Comprehensive Commands FOR CANDIDATES:
Origin / Political independence: The contestant must be a National of India.
Bodies accompanying Benchmark Restrictions (PwBD) in the classification of OA, OL, BL, and OAL are only worthy to relate to the post of Mechanics Deputy/C (Computers) – Numerical identifier for address 12302.
Legal entertainment above the age limit for demanding age relaxation in the following types as of the closing date of voucher of Connected to the internet request is in this manner
Competitors the one are not capped under the blueprint of conditions for SC/ ST/ OBC and whose family gross annual wage is beneath Rs. 8,00,000/- (Rupees Eight Lakh only) search to be recognized as EWS for availing the benefit of restriction under EWS. The income is going to likewise involve pay from all beginnings that are salary, farming, trade, declaration, etc. for the 12-month accounting period before the old age of use i.e. 2021-22. More, competitors whose kin acknowledge or occupies any of the following property be going to be expelled from being recognized as EWS, regardless of classification income:
(i) 5 estates of land and above;
(ii) Dwellings flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above;
(iii) Dwellings plot of 100 sq. yards and above in regions of informed municipalities;
(iv) Residential plots of 200 sq. yards and above in districts apart from the informed municipalities.
The possessions owned by a “Family” indifferent points or various places/places hopefully pummelled while applying the land or possessions assets test to decide EWS rank.
The term “Offspring” for this purpose will contain the person inquiring about the benefit of stipulation, welcome/her persons and sisters below the age of 18 age as to welcome/ her companion and minors below the age of 18 age.
Information FOR Asking Connected to the internet:
Contenders are considered their interest to submit the Connected to the internet Request much before the closing date and not waiting as far as the last date to prevent the feasibility of break/inability or defeat to login to the site on account of severe load on the site during the closing days.
This Area will not arrange the nominees not being smart to offer their requests within the last date as a result some reasons further the control concerning this Area.
Skilled shall be no supplying for re-judgment / re-restraining of the scores of some stage / Level(s) of the test. No correspondence concerning this is going to be from something.
Aspirants must note their Enrollment Number, Roll Number, registered Electronic mail ID, and Movable Number in addition to Name, Date of Beginning, Name of the post/test, etc. while forwarding any ideas to this Area. Ideas from the contestant not fitting these particulars will not be from something.
Before asking for the Post, bidders bear a guarantee that he/she achieves.