Project Dossier Effort Controller (Grade-A):
Candidates are led to accompany the Usually tall Interview / Composed Test ‘tween 9.30 AM to 10.00 AM for project posts under the miscellaneous projects on a contract action as itemized beneath (please apply Site for changes if some in the date of the interview).
Education to the aspirants for Walk-Interviews:
1. Please influence the suffused-in request accompanying individual sets of photocopies of qualifications and occurrence and different tributes.
2. Aspirants endure submitting all certificates/tributes in original for proof. Competitors the one abandon bring the Original Certificates for the composed test / Interview will not be deliberate.
3. Age entertainment is allowable in respect of OBC candidates, Retrenched Administration Operators, and Administrative Contestants (containing projects) by the education circulated Principal Administration apiece from time to time.
4. Occurrence certification concedes possibility signifies the character of duty all along the ending of contracting. Job orders, pay slips, and offers of appointment will not be entitled to in consideration of knowledge certificates.
5. No-Disagreement Certification from the current employer (for Govt./AB/PSU Assistants only).
6. The same-pronounced post is Allowable at the same time offered. The assignment concedes the possibility to be refreshed subsequently all specific endings are liable to be subjected to acceptable acting and project requirements.
7. The incumbents picked will have no claim for balanced assignments under NIE/ICMR or maintenance of welcome/her services in some added project.
8. TA/DA will not be due by NIE for accompanying the composed test/interview.
9. The Director, ICMR-NIE reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts or annul the conscription or re-endorse the posts, outside designating any reasons thereof, no further agreement will take pleasure in concerning this.
10. Some further facts may be downloaded from the ICMR-NIE site (Courses) that will be renewed from time to time.
11. Date of the Storage cupboard-Interview concedes the possibility to be exchanged on account of regulatory reasons, hence, aspirants are considered to check the site before performing the Storage cupboard-Interview.
The Director/Draft Taskforce has the right to acknowledge/refuse some applications outside of appointment for some reason.
Polling and bringing pressure in some form for shortlisting, interview, and hiring will be a disability and secured from the election process.
How to ask:
1) The applicants asking for the post bear first ratify their eligibility as per Placard on the site of the Institute which is nie.gov.in. They endure ensuring that they have the right private email ID and movable number.
2) All eligible contenders not quite administered in answer to this placard notice should visit NIE Conscription Ingress and register himself/herself before the last date. For asking for the project posts, individuals bear selects the advertisement number.
3) Competitor(s) endure note that no rewrite alternative will be vacant to them later conditional the request certainly. Thus, the candidates are considered to insert all the analyses concerning name, category, ability, happening, etc. painstakingly.
Demand to the bidder:
1. The crucial date for deciding the age limit be going to be the closing date for a certificate of the request.
3. No-Argument Certification from the current organization (for Govt./AB/PSU Attendants only).
4. The same-said post is Allowable at the same time presented. The job concedes the possibility of being renewed afterward each distinguishing ending liable to be subjected to satisfactory efficiency and project necessities.
5. The incumbents picked will have no claim for balanced appointments under NIE/ICMR or the addition of welcome/her aids in some additional project.
6. NIE will not pay TA/DA for accompanying the inscribed test/interview.
7. The Manager, ICMR-NIE reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts or annul the conscription or re-advertise the posts, outside designating some reasons thereof, no further agreement will take pleasure in this regard.
8. Contenders are considered to commonly check the ICMR–NIE site for further information or changes, that will be amended now and then.
9. Date and opportunity of the connection to the internet interview will be intimated by Electronic mail individually to the worthy contenders.
10. Unfinished applications outside appropriate ghettos will not be thought-out.
Competitors will be selected to persevere picked sites & inclination will take to local candidates as per the sites above Only Shortlisted competitors will be entailed and connected to the internet interview.
Requests will be secluded and selected nominees will become involved in a connected internet interview. Analyses concerning online interviews will learn later.
Inexact Education:
1. Age entertainment is allowable to SC/ST/OBC candidates in respect of posts silent for specific types only and other than outspoken posts as per GoI rules.
2. Qualification/quality concede possibility be from a believed Organization/University.
3. Absolute conforming to the essential restriction/happening does not guarantee a draft.
4. Canvassing in some form will be a disability.
5. No TA/DA will be due either for accompanying the interview or touching the post.
6. Persons then in common period-scale aid under some Government Area / Institution are not fit.
7. Inscribed tests in the subject area will see, if necessary, the final list from which to select contenders for the interview resting on the number of candidates.
8. Possibly noticed in this place that wanting requests, applications not offered in the arbitrary plan, and using outside supportive documents engaged going to be arbitrarily rebuffed.
9. The Director & appointing expert has the right to acknowledge/deny some use without appointing some reason and no agreement in this place matter will from something.
10. Please present the analyses of two accountable men in your neighborhood or two references to whom you are famous.
14. Candidates the one will be questioned connected to the internet, if they are picked, will have to produce original documents of their Requirements, Age & Knowledge before touching. If they are not erect labeled, their selection will be canceled shortly.
15. Delight note that the Institute does not have dwellings abilities for permissible staff.
16. Aspirants are considered to maintain and look at the site of this Institute for some change.
[su_button id=”download” url=”https://nie.gov.in/images/pdf/careers/NIE_PE_Advt_February_2023_09.pdf” target=”blank” style=”soft” size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”5″ desc=”இந்த வேலை கிடைக்க வாழ்த்துக்கள் நண்பா”]DOWNLOAD PLEASE[/su_button]