Eligibility for Scholarship
Educational Qualification:
1. Those who have not passed the 10th class examination.
2. Candidates who have passed the 10th Class (SSLC) course.
3. +2 class pass/equivalent qualification (such as Diploma Secondary Teacher Training).
4. Graduates / Post Graduates
(Except for vocational courses like Engineering, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture, Law, etc.).
Registration Waiting Period:
Must be registered and waiting for a job at employment offices for not less than five years at the end of the quarter preceding the date of application.
The annual income of Vienna Pattara’s family should not exceed Rs.50,000/-.
Age Limit:
Should not have completed 40 years of age on the date of preparation of the list for unemployment allowance. Adi Dravidian / Tribal candidates should not have completed 45 years of age.
Applicant must have completed his schooling or college education in Tamil Nadu or one of his parents or guardians must have resided in Tamil Nadu for not less than 15 years.
Applicant should not be engaged in any salaried employment or self-employment in Govt / Private Sector. And the applicant should not receive any kind of assistance from private or government in any other way.
Students who go to schools and colleges daily and study:
Applicants should not be regular students who go to educational institutions daily. This condition does not apply to candidates pursuing distance education or postal education.
Already Beneficiaries:
The petitioners who have benefited under the unemployment relief scheme already implemented and discontinued in 1993 are eligible for unemployment allowance subject to the age limits fixed under this new unemployment allowance scheme.
Details of Application and Continued Benefit:
1. To get Unemployment Allowance, the certificate issued by the Revenue Department as given below should be submitted along with the application.
2. Within 30 days of receiving the application form from the employment page, open a Savings Bank account in any branch of a nationalized bank within his district and give the details including the full address of the branch, and the branch code, as shown in the application form. want
3. The unemployment allowance is calculated quarterly and credited to the applicant’s account after the end of the respective quarter.
4. Unemployment Allowance will be paid for three years or till the age of 40 years in the case of others and 45 years in the case of Adi Dravidians and Tribals.
5. It is the responsibility of the applicant to immediately report the relevant details to the appropriate employment office if he/she gets employment in the government sector or the private sector or engages in self-employment during the period of receiving unemployment benefits. Payment of Unemployment Allowance shall be suspended if the person takes up employment in the Government or Private Sector or engages in self-employment.
6. The unemployed should keep the registration up to date during the period of receiving the allowance.
7. The registration of the scholarship recipient will be canceled by furnishing untrue details.
8. Scholarship recipients under this scheme have to submit a self-affidavit as mentioned in the application form once a year i.e. in the 5th quarter and 9th quarter to the appropriate employment office to get scholarships for three years continuously. At that time bank account book, employment office renewal identity card, and other certificates should also be submitted.
9. Registrants do not need to fear that their referral opportunity will be lost if they purchase an unemployment allowance. Candidates’ names will be considered for nomination as per the rules for the announced vacancies during the period of award of scholarship.
An unemployment allowance of Rs 200/ 300/ 400/ 600 per month in their savings bank account quarterly has been considered. 20 ….. Year ….. ……… Month ……….. Yes,
The amount due for the quarter ended on …………….. shall be paid into their bank account within the first 15 days of the month. Subsequent disbursements shall be credited to the account before the 15th day of the following month of the relevant quarter if they are eligible for disbursement.
Thus the unemployment allowance will be given for four quarters (ie / a year).
5th if they are eligible for continuous unemployment benefit after one year
Direct/postal employment of self-certification document in quarter and 9th quarter
Send to the office. Then Vewalavam Office ID Card Bank
A copy of the first page of the account book should be submitted.
Any future correspondence regarding scholarships will be forwarded to this office
When sending the above application number, bank branch details should be mentioned correctly.
Employment will be notified as the stipend is given to the unemployed
I am also informed that their nomination chances for vacancies will not be affected.
(Beneficiary has to self-declare at the employment office during the 5th and 9th quarter of the grantee period to continue availing of the grant in person with bank passbook (first page) and proof of renewal. Copy of the above documents should be sent if sent by post).
1. I am receiving unemployment benefits.
2. At present the family income/ annual income of my parent guardian is not more than Rs.50,000/-.
3. I am not currently in paid employment with any establishment. Not engaged in any self-employment.
4. I am currently not receiving any stipend from any organization.
5. I am not currently studying as a regular student in any educational institution.
6. At any time I Government Department / Government Institutions | No dismissal from local bodies.
7. I have never been convicted by a case.
8. I undertake to notify the employment office of the loss of eligibility to receive the subsidy.
9. I understand that if I am found to be receiving assistance by giving false information, my allowance will be stopped, the amount already paid will be recovered as per the Tamil Nadu Revenue Recovery Act and the employment office registration will be canceled.
10. I hereby certify that the above particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and that none of the above information is false and that I have not concealed any information to obtain the scholarship.
Tamilnadu Unemployed Youth Grant Application Form Acknowledgment of Congeniality:
Tamil Nadu Unemployed Youth Grant Application Form I received on ……. I was told in person at this employment office that I have to complete this application and submit my bank savings account number to this employment office on ……….., and if I fail to submit it within the specified date, then there will be difficulties in providing unemployment allowance to me and I may be denied.