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Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) Notification 2023- Apply 11, District Educational Officer Post

Tamil Nadu Govt Jobs 2023 Arasuvelai 2023 Tamil Nadu Arasu Velai Vaippu 2023 Jobs Today Tamil TN Govt Jobs 2023 TN Govt Jobs 2023 Tamil TN Jobs Jobs Tamila Jobs 2023
Tamil Nadu Govt Jobs 2023 Arasuvelai 2023 Tamil Nadu Arasu Velai Vaippu 2023 Jobs Today Tamil TN Govt Jobs 2023 TN Govt Jobs 2023 Tamil TN Jobs Jobs Tamila Jobs 2023



Users are called from eligible competitors only through connection to the internet fad until 13.01.2023 for direct recruitment to the vacancies in the post of Department Instructional Deputy (Group – I C Aids) in the School Education Area contained in the Tamil Nadu School Instructional Help.

Instructional QUALIFICATION:

Claimants bear occupy the following or allure equivalent qualification presented by some Academy or Organization recognized for one Academy Grants Commission.

1. A Master’s Grade from some Academy recognized by apiece Academy Grants Commission in the united states of America or a Quality of an equivalent standard in any individual of the following cases accompanying not inferior 50% of Marks in the Master’s Degree Test in some individual of the following matters.

Arithmetic, Physics, Chemistry, Cytology, Any branch of natural science, Commerce, Earth science, History, Traffic, Tamil, and English

2. B.T. or B.Ed. Quality of some acknowledged academy in the State or strength of equivalent standard.

3. Must have intentional Tamil under Part-I or Part-II of the Middle Or PreUniversity course Or Taller Secondary Course.


Only for conscription to the vacancies that search out be filled with the Assistants working in acknowledged supported Secondary and Larger Subordinate Schools bearing education experience in an acknowledged School for a total ending of not inferior 12 age after getting the scope of B.T or B.Ed or allure equivalent abilities.


Seekers picked for the job to the pronounced post will be required to produce a license of bodily conditioning in the form recommended beneath. The model format is encircled in Annexure III concerning this Announcement. The pronounced Warrant should be presented to an apiece-picked competitor to the Appointing Authority, in the event of touching the post.


i. The total number of free chances used will be planned based on claims fashioned in former uses.

ii. The number of free chances used by apiece applicants will be confirmed by the apiece Commission at some stage of the collection process.

iii. In case a claimant forms a wrong claim for immunity from payment of the request commission by restraining news concerning his former request(s), the welcome grassroots campaign shall be rebuffed later in society.

iv. Seekers are directed to cautiously select the alternative ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ in the connected internet use regarding availing of the payment yielding.

v. Aspirants are considered in their interest, to keep a report of the number of occasions account adjustment is availed, regardless of the news presented in the<Use Experiences> of the applicant’s instrument panel.

vi. A request (inattentive of the post used for) claiming compensation adjustment will keep forbidding individual chance from the number of free chances allowed. vii. Seekers the one have used the maximum number of free chances granted / applicants the one do not wish to avail of the salary adjustment/aspirants who are not fit for account adjustment going to select the option ‘No’ against the query concerning cost adjustment in the connected to the internet application. Specific seekers are going to from that time forward pay the requisite cost through the recommended way of fee.

viii. Collapse to pay the prescribed payment at an unspecified future time, in addition to the connection to the internet application will influence the denial of the use subsequently due process.

The trend of Fee of Test Commission:

i. The preliminary Test fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees Individual hundred only), is outstanding connected to the internet through Net Investment / Credit card / Card for shopping without cash on or before the date of compliance of connected to the internet request by choosing the alternative in the connected to the internet use.

ii. Claimants should pay the service charges further as appropriate.

iii. Offline way of fee, if any taken in the form of demand draft / postal order etc. will not be entitled to and the uses shipped with aforementioned manners of the fee will be promptly rebuffed and the same will not be either restored or returned.

iv. The Commission is freed from responsibility for connection to the internet payment bankruptcy or postponed conciliation of wages by the banks.

Option Process:

The draft will be in three following stages viz.,

(i) a Preliminary Test for the election of contestants for admittance to the Main Written Test

(ii) a Main Composed Test, and

(iii) An Spoken Test in the shape of an Interview and Counselling.

The Preliminary Test is signified to present an image of a hidden test for granted candidates for the Main Inscribed Test only. The marks acquired in the Preliminary Test by the contenders the one are asserted skillful for confirmation to the Main Written Test and will not be deemed for deciding their last order of merit. The number of candidates expected acknowledged to the Main Composed Test will be 10 times the number of contenders expected inducted bearing regard to the rule of the stipulation of appointments. Nevertheless, in each restriction group, all the contenders secured the same marks as the halt marks of their condition groups be going to be admitted to the Main Composed Test, though the number of bidders expected permitted to the Main Written Test grant permission surpass the 1:10 percent. No supplemental list will make public in the place of rebuffed competitors (or) contenders who have abandoned to transmit documents for proof. The last pick will be made to establish the total marks acquired by apiece aspirant in the Main Inscribed Written examination II, Paper III, Paper IV, and Spoken Test accepted together, subject to the Rule of Condition of Jobs.

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