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TNPSC Junior Rehabilitation Officer Recruitment

Tamil Nadu Govt Jobs 2023 Arasuvelai 2023 Tamil Nadu Arasu Velai Vaippu 2023 Jobs Today Tamil TN Govt Jobs 2023 TN Govt Jobs 2023 Tamil TN Jobs Jobs Tamila Jobs 2023
Tamil Nadu Govt Jobs 2023 Arasuvelai 2023 Tamil Nadu Arasu Velai Vaippu 2023 Jobs Today Tamil TN Govt Jobs 2023 TN Govt Jobs 2023 Tamil TN Jobs Jobs Tamila Jobs 2023



1. All recruitments by apiece Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission are simply merit-located.

2. The Tamil Nadu Civil service Commission herewith cautions the applicants against promoting and powers the one conceding the possibility to cheat, by making false promises of acquiring tasks through wrongful wealth.

3. The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission is going to not mature or likely for some loss that grants permission come from to some claimant on account of satiating in some in a way sales with aforementioned immoral details.

4. Candidates are solely being the reason for their claims in the connection to internet use. They cannot blame duty providers like internet cafes/ perusing centers/Average Aid centers for the mistakes created while applying connected to the internet for conscription. Candidates are considered to check the filled-in connection to the internet users in addition to the necessary documents (see Annexure III) before ultimately offering the alike.


(i) The total number of free chances availed, will be deliberately established claims fashioned in former applications.

(ii) The number of free chances used for one candidate will be confirmed by the Commission at some stage of the draft process.

(iii) Either an aspirant makes a fake claim for privilege from the fee of the use fee by restraining facts concerning welcome previous request(s) welcome grassroots campaign be going to be rejected later lawfulness.

(iv) Claimants are supervised to carefully select the alternatives ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ concerning availing of the account concession.

(v) Claimants are considered in their interest, to maintain a report of the number of times salary adjustment is used, regardless of the information presented in the <Use Record> of the candidate dashboard.

Way OF Fee OF Test FEE:

CBT Test account of Rs.100/- (Rupees Individual hundred only), is unpaid by online way through Net Investment / Charge card / Card for shopping without cash on or before the last date of submission of the connection to the internet request by selecting the alternative in the online use.

Candidates should pay the help charges also as appropriate.

Candidates can avail of discharge from repaying examination commissions as per fitness tests.

Education to the candidates the one exempted from the Tamil Fitness Test:

i. As per the orders circulated in G.O. (Ms.) No.49, Human Property Management (M) Area, out-of-date 23.05.2022, a state in addition to G.O. Ms.No.8, Welfare of Otherwise Abled Individuals (Bounce 3.2) Area, dated 21.09.2021, the otherwise-abled bidders the one are even beneath the 40% of disability can likewise avail the exemptions from book Tamil Fitness Test namely Part-A in Paper-II of examination if they have demanded specific exemptions in their connection to the internet use.

ii. The candidates the one have existed exempted to compose Tamil Eligibility Test be going to grant permission to rewrite only the Common Studies Paper i.e. Part-B in Paper II.

iii. The Comprehensive Studies paper contains 100 questions from 101 to 200 and the moment of truth event to draft each unspecified the said test going to take 1 ½ Employment recruiting and management.

iv. All the exempted candidates accompanying a restriction that has tangible limitations about paper, containing that of speed and not availing the aids of a clerk shall further grant permission compensative occasion of a minimum of thirty minutes for a test of individual and a half hours (1 ½ Employment recruiting and management.) event in the General Studies paper as per G.O.Ms.No.8, Prosperity of Otherwise Abled Guys (Bounce 3.2) Department, out-of-date 21.09.2021.

v. The pronounced exempted applicants must enter the test gallery in the AN meeting half a stage before the commencement of the test (that is till 1.30 P.M).

Collection PROCEDURE:

The draft will in a sole stage, establish the marks obtained for one aspirant in the CBT test liable to be subjected to the rule of reservation of assignments. An indefinite list of worthy contenders for certificate proof will make public on the Commission’s site.

Following in position or time verification of the original certificates, the fit contestants will be called for conclusive selection through the cautioning design. The seeker the one has not appeared for one of the matters in the test will not be deliberate for selection, even though he/ she secures the minimum preparing marks for option.


(i) Contestants the one have asserted pending criminal or corrective cases in their connection to the internet request, must transfer a copy of the First Information Report (Evergreen) or announcement of charges/substantiate notice, possibly. Failure to transfer data to a server aforementioned documents along with the connection to the internet use be going to influence the rejection of the grassroots campaign later society.

(ii) Contenders who have asserted opinion in criminal cases or penalty in corrective cases, in their online use, must transfer the appropriate court orders and/or release orders or directives of proceedings, possibly, in addition to the connected to the internet use. Failure to transfer data to server-specific documents is going to result in the refusal of the grassroots campaign afterward society.

(iii) In case of some criminal case is ordered / penalty is captured against or conviction/penalty is set on a contender following in position or time submission of the connection to the internet request at some stage of the conscription process before the completion of the complete election process aforementioned nominees should report this evidence to the Commission in the next stage.

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👉 https://tnpsc.gov.in/Document/english/35_2022_JRO_ENG.pdf

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