Protection Publication & Minting Partnership of India Limited (SPMCIL), a Schedule „A‟ Tiny- Ratna Type–I Principal Public Area Enterprise entirely possessed for one Administration of India, began functioning as a Corporatized body accompanying effect from 13th January 2006. The objective and the implausible story of the Association are crafty, and manufacturing safety documents, Publication Cash & Bank notes, Passports, non-legal stamp documents, postage stamps, and Minting Coins.
SPMCIL is under the regulatory control of the Area of Financial Affairs, Department of Finance bearing allure recorded Allied Office at Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi – 110001.
The Functional Parts of the Party are strategically situated across the Country having four Mints in Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, and Noida, four Cash / Safety presses at Nashik, Dewas, and Hyderabad, besides the finest Paper production mill, and Bills Paper manufacturing Whole at Narmadapuram.
Accompanying duplicate history, the Company anticipates selecting better and gifted pros having the potential to introduce the rule of Shopping, Finance & Reports, Allowable, Human resources, Surroundings, Matters Administration, and Civic and Information Technology in the Arranging and therefore invites uses for the following posts:
Before requesting aspirants should guarantee that they accomplish all the Fitness tests as mentioned in the literature for the posts. The guest will pick up proof of fitness concerning the original documents only afterward they have skillful in the connection to the internet test result. If the applicants are not found fit all the while the document proof process, they will not grant permission for the next stage of the selection process and their grassroots campaign will be rebuffed. Their admittance to all the stages of the conscription process will be provisional liable to be subjected to fulfilling the recommended fitness tests mentioned in this place notice. Aspirants who do not fulfill age as on the closing date of the certificate of requests and the minimum instructional restriction as on the closing date of the certificate of applications are not fit and need not authorize the post.
1. The superior age limit particularized in the advertisement is for Accepted bidders from the free competition.
2. Above age entertainment by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 age for OBC contenders (for constrained posts).
3. Superior age entertainment by 10 years for PwBD Outspoken contestants, 15 age for PwBD SC/ST nominees, and 13 years for PwBD OBC contenders (of the main list) for posts restrict PWD is allowable.
4. Relaxation adult hopeful allowable to guys with restrictions as per the surviving rules only to specific customers the one has a minimum of 40% disability.
5. Entertainment in the superior age limit to Ex-military will be as per surviving Administration rules.
6. Computation adult, minimum post-requirement occurrence, and Ability shall be as of 03.10.2022.
7. Skilled is going to be no age bar for the in-duty SPMCIL members the one fulfills the necessary aptitude and occurrence supported they argue at least three age assistants abandoned as of the date of poster.
8. No relaxation in the above age limit is allowable to SC/ST/OBC nominees asking for UR vacancies.
Rs. 600/- (Non-Refundable) for contestants owned by Inexact, EWS, and OBC Categories (containing Ex-Military) Clue charges of Rs. 200/- (Non-Refundable) for nominees owned by SC/ST/PwBD Categories)
The aspirants should pay the use bills connected to the internet as per the method related in para-5B. Undertaking charge if some assessed by the Bank for the fee of duplicate use bills is expected borne apiece aspirants. Fee in some other tone will not be entitled to and the aspirant will likewise not be fit. Applicants repaying secondary expenses will again not be worthy. Fees formerly rewarded be not going to be returned.
The collection process for the posts will cover an connected to internet test (75% weightage) and Interview (25% weightage). The contenders will be shortlisted in the order of merit in the respective type in the percentage of 1:4 for the Interview.
The exact date and gathering newsgathering occasion of the examination will contribute to in resolution reached by postcard. The test will be conducted connected to the internet at a test center likely in the particular call replies. The aspirants are requested to maintain examining the Guest‟s site www.spmcil.com for some changes/renewal in the test date/additional facts.
1. No request for change of center/venue/date/gathering for Test be going to from something.
2. SPMCIL still, reserves the right to cancel one of the Test Centres and/ or adjoin additional Centres, at its caution, resting on upon the answer, governmental practicability, etc.
3. SPMCIL reserves the right to allot the competitor to some center apart from the individual he/she has chosen for.
4. Candidate will mean the test at a Test Centre at welcome/her risk and expenses and SPMCIL will not arrange some harm or misfortunes etc. of some nature.
The indicated in the manuscript proclamation has expected in the candidate’s scrawl and English only. If it is inscribed and uploaded by one different or in some other accent, the request will be deliberately invalid. (In the case of Optically Injured candidates the one cannot rewrite concede possibility catch the text of the proclamation categorized and set their abandoned-help thumb feeling beneath the categorized proclamation and upload the document as per requirements.)
Use Enrollment:
1. Competitors must visit the SPMCIL website computer network.spmcil.com, click on the “Course” link, and the alternative “Administer Connected to the internet” which will open a new screen.
2. To register the request, pick the ticket “Click in this place for New Registration” and record your Name, Contact analyses, and Electronic mail-id. A Tentative Enrollment Number and Password will stem from one arrangement and be presented on the screen. The aspirant should write down the Contingent Enrollment Number and Identification. An Email & SMS signifying the Contingent Enrollment number and Identification will still be sent.
3. As long as the nominee is helpless to complete the user form in one go, he/she can preserve the dossier and then file by selecting the “SAVE AND NEXT” label. Before compliance with the connection to the internet request, aspirants are advised to use the “Sustain AND NEXT” ease to confirm the analyses in the online request form and reduce the unchanging if necessary. Optically Impaired nominees concede the possibility insert the request form carefully and confirming/receiving the analyses confirmed to guarantee that the same are correct before the last compliance.
4. Contenders are considered to cautiously fill and verify the analyses replaced the connected to the internet request themselves as no change will be attainable/ diverted later clicking the COMPLETE Enrollment Fastener.
5. The Name of the candidate or welcome /her Father/ Spouse etc. concede possibility be spelled right in the use as it appears in the Certificates/ Mark sheets/Correspondence evidence. Some changes/changes found concede the possibility prohibit the grassroots campaign.
6. Legitimize your analyses and Save your use by clicking the ‘Legitimize your analyses and ‘Preserve & Next’ buttons.
7. Candidates can originate to transfer Photograph & Sign as per the qualifications given in the Directions for Thumbing through and Transfer of Photograph and Sign particularized under point “C”.
8. Candidates can originate to replace added analyses of the Application Form.
9. Click on the Viewing Ticket to examine and confirm the whole application form before COMPLETE Enrollment.
10. Alter analyses, if necessary, and click on ‘COMPLETE REGISTRATION’ ONLY later proving and guaranteeing that the photograph, sign uploaded and additional details suffused by you are correct.
11. Click on the ‘Fee’ Label and carry on the fee. 12. Click on the ‘Submit’ fastener.
Connected to the internet Fad:
1. The use form is integrated and accompanying the fee entry and the fee process may be completed by following the education.
2. The fee may be created by utilizing Debit Cards (RuPay/Authorization/MasterCard/Composer), Credit Cards, System where banking transactions are completed electronically, IMPS, and Cash Cards/ Travelling Wallets.
3. After offering your fee news in the connected to the internet request form, PLEASE Predict THE Hint FROM THE Attendant. DO NOT PRESS THE BACK OR Rejuvenate BUTTON TO Prevent A DOUBLE CHARGE.
4. On the profitable accomplishment of the undertaking, an e-Voucher will be generated.
5. Non-production of ‘E-Voucher’ signifies Fee Decline. On failure of fee, Competitors are considered to transfer data from one computer system to another again utilizing their Tentative Enrollment Number and Identification and repeat the money given beforehand process6. Candidates are necessary to take a paper version of the document of the e-Voucher and connected it to the internet Request Form containing salary analyses. Delight note that if the unchanging cannot be generated, the connection to the internet undertaking concedes possibility not have happened profitable.
7. For Credit Card consumers: All charges are filed in Aboriginal American Rupee. If you use a non-Aboriginal American credit card, your bank will convert to your local bills’ established dominant exchange rates.
8. To guarantee the safety of your data, will close the portal bow already your undertaking is completed.
9. Skilled is easy to print use forms holding fee analyses afterward fee of bills.
10. No different mode of fee of salaries be going to be entitled to.
Guidelines for Thumbing through and Transfer of Documents:
Before asking connected to the internet the applicant will be required to have a thumb through (mathematical) exact likeness welcome/her photograph, signature, left touch feeling, and manuscript proclamation as per the specifications likely beneath.
1. Photograph must be a current warrant-style color picture.
2. Confirm that the picture is in color, captured against a light-distorted, by preference silvery, education.
3. Look straight at the camera accompanying an easy face.
4. If the account is captured on a sunny epoch, have the sunlight behind you, or place yourself in the shade for fear that you are not squinting and skilled are no rough shadows.
5. If you have to use flash, guarantee skills are not “intoxicating”.
6. If you wear rims make sure that skilled are no thoughts and your eyes may be visualized.
7. Caps, hats, and dark blinkers are not acceptable. Conscientious headwear is admitted but it must not cover your face.
8. Ranges 200 x 230 pixels (favorite).
9. Content of the file should be middle from two points 20kb–50 kb.
10. Guarantee that the capacity of the scoured image is not in addition to 50kb.
11. If the amount of the file is in addition to 50 kb, therefore regulate the settings of the scanning of documents in the way that the DPI judgment, no. of banner, etc., during the process of flipping through.
(1) With the understanding the face in the photograph or sign or abandoned touch impression or the manuscript proclamation is imprecise / smudged the competitor‟s use may be rebuffed.
(2) Later uploading the Photograph/sign / abandoned thumb feeling/in a manuscript proclamation in the connected to the internet request form candidates bear check that the representations are clear and have existed uploaded right. With the understanding the photograph or signature or abandoned touch feeling or the manuscript declaration is not exceptionally seeable, the contestant concedes the possibility rewrite his/ her request and re-transfer data to a server to welcome/ her photograph or sign or left touch feeling or the in manuscript proclamation, before offering the form.
(3) Candidate concedes possibility likewise guarantee that the photograph is uploaded at the place of photograph and signature at the place of the sign. If a photograph in consideration of a photograph and a signature in consideration of a sign is not uploaded correctly, the bidder will not grant permission to appear for the test.
(4) Bidder must guarantee that the Photograph to be uploaded is of the necessary magnitude and the face bear arrive.
(5) If the photograph is not uploaded at the place of Photo Admittance for Test will be rebuffed/declined. Contender him/herself will be responsible for the unchanging.
(6) Applicants endure a guarantee that the signature uploaded is apparent.