Area of Friendly Defence
Recruitment of Stick for the Neighborhood Child Guardianship Association under the control of the Social Defence Area.
Users are invited to the Sector Juvenile Protection People from worthy candidates for the following vacancies. The stick expected recruited for the Sector Infant Protection Institution will act on a permissible basis.
Idle posts & Combined Pay:
1. Protection Officer (Institutional & Non-Institutional Care)@ Rs.27,804/-p.m. (2 Posts)
2. Legal cum Probation Officer @ Rs.27,804/-p.m. (1 Post)
3. Counsellor@ Rs.18,536/- p.m. (1 Post)
4. Social Worker @ Rs.18,536/- p.m. (2 Posts)
5. Accountant @ Rs.18,536/- p.m.(1 Post)
6. Data Analyst @ Rs.18,536/- p.m. (1Post)
7. Helper cum Data Entry Controller @ Rs.13,240/- p.m. (1 Post)
8. Outreach Workers @ Rs.10,592/- (2 Posts)
The use plan and eligibility tests may be downloaded from www.Chennai.nic.in.
Eligibility applicants for the indicated post should please their particular filled uses in addition to their Passport length Photograph to the below-noticed address on or before 17.10.2022 at 5:30 Pm.
District Child Protection Officer,
District Child Protection Unit,
No.58, Suriyanarayanan Salai,
Royapuram, Chennai- 600 013.
The wanting or excessively filled uses or the requests which do not reach this commission inside the stipulated opportunity or late compliance will not be entitled to at any cause.
The assignment will be based on merit and happening. The conclusion of the Management will be final concerning this.
Accumulation, Classification, and Performance of Mathematical Data:
Basic and Subordinate dossier, Methods of dossier group; Tabulation of the dossier; Graphs and charts; Commonness distributions; Diagrammatic performance of commonness distributions.
Measures of Main Tendency:
Universal measures of the main tendency – mean middle and way; Partition principles- quartiles, deciles, percentiles.
Measures of Dispersion- Average measures of dispersal:
Range, quartile deviations, a measure of dispersion, and predictable difference; Measures of relative dispersion.
Importance, Irregularity, and Kurtosis:
Various types of moments and their friendship; the signification of skewness and kurtosis; various measures of irregularity and kurtosis.
Correlation and Reversion:
Graph resembling pie; natural correlation cooperative; natural regression lines; Spearman’s rank equivalence; Measures of the friendship of attributes; Diversified regression; Diversified and prejudiced correlations (For three variables only).
Theory of games:
The intention of probability; Various definitions of chance; Dependent probability; Compound chance; Liberated events; Bayes’ axiom.
Haphazard Variable and Anticipation Distributions:
Chance changing; Probability functions; Belief and Difference of a random changeable; Taller importance of a random changeable; Binomial, Poisson, Usual and Exponential distributions; Joint classification of two chance variables (discrete).
Savoring Hypothesis:
The idea of population and sample; Limit and detail of action, Sampling and non-sipping mistakes; Probability and nonprobability inspecting methods (plain random sampling, layered savoring, multistage sampling, multiphase examining, cluster inspecting, orderly sampling, calculated inspecting, convenience savoring, allotment sampling); Sipping dispersion(charge only); Sample size resolutions.
Mathematical Inference:
Point guess and pause estimation, Possessions of a good estimator, Plans of belief (Moments design, Maximum prospect method, Slightest squares system), Experiment of hypothesis, Fundamental idea of testing, Limited sample, and big sample tests, Tests based on Z, t, U.s. city-square and F unit of the mathematical system, Assurance intervals.
Study of Difference:
Analysis of direct top-secret data and two-habit top-secret dossier.
Document Verification (DV):
Likely the conscription is to be created for one Management in a mission fashion and to speed the whole conscription process, the Commission has determined that Document Verification (DV) is hopefully accomplished for one User Area/Institution.
All the candidates restricted for Document Proof are required to signify Document Proof in addition to the photocopies and original documents.
Preference for differing posts and areas will be taken from the contestants through the Connected to the internet Alternative Form on the site of the Commission before the proclamation of the final result. A competitor will not be thought-out for a Post and Ministry/ Area/ Institution if he has not registered his option for it. Alternatives once offered be going to be treated as ending and will not be transformed afterward under any circumstances. Then, aspirants must be careful in the exercise of the aforementioned alternatives.
Contestants, who do not present their post predilection(s) on the website of the Commission within the required time, will not be thought-out for some posts in the Things produced. Such aspirants are going to not be provided with another event to exercise choice for positions and will be solely the reason for the unchanging. Some grievances taken concerning this in any form like Post, Fax, Electronic mail, manual, etc. going to not be entertained for one Commission and will be swiftly rejected.