Conscription of Commendable Sportspersons to the posts of Wage Tax Examiner, Tax Assistant &Multi-Burdening Stick against the vacancies for the R.Ys. 2019, 2020, and 2021 – error:
Having to do with the literature circulated by this office vide F. No. PCCIT/WB&SlPers.l42/Sponsperson Recruitmentl2021-22114297 out-of-date 01.03.2022, new uses are proposed from honorable sportspersons fulfilling the necessities as mentioned in Annexure-l for assignment to the posts of Earnings Tax Examiner, Tax Helper, and Performing multiple tasks simultaneously Stick.
The ready and eligible applicants can transmit their request in the arbitrary plan likely in Annexure·lI, to the Joint Commissioner of Profit Tax, Nerve center (Staff & Organization), pI Floor, Range No. 14, Aayakar Shawan, P·7, Chowringhee Square, Kolkata·700069 by post/help to reach the commission of the undersigned on or before 28.11.2022 until 6 periods after noon and before sunsetContenders the one had endured uses in reaction to earlier commercial need not re-ask.
The Principal Chief Agent of Wage Tax, West Bengal & Sikkim invites uses for the conscription of Commendable Sportspersons indifferent plot/sports as listed beneath for the posts of
I) Examiner of Gains Tax in Pay Level 7 of the pay mold (as per 7th Cpe) equivalent to pre-corrected Grade Pay of Rs.4600/· in PB-2 of Rs.9300-34800/- of 61h CPC;
2) Tax Assistant in Pay Level 4 of the pay cast (as per) matching to pre-corrected Grade Pay of Rs.2400/- in PB-I of Rs.5200-20200/- of 6″ CPC; and
3) Multi-Burdening Stick in Pay Levell of the pay mold (as per 7th Cpe) equivalent to pre-revised Grade Pay of Rs. 1 800/- in PB-I of Rs.5200-20200/- of 6’h CPC.
Entertainment adult:
(I) As per Govt. of India information for honorable sportspersons, entertainment of the superior age limit until a maximum of 5 years (10 age either of SC/ST competitors) concede possibility grant permission for a job in Group C cadres accompanying the authorization of the Main office commission.
(2) Administrative competitors accompanying three years of unending aid in the Main Administration can ask until the age of 40 age (45 years for SC/ST contenders).
i) The Contestant must be a civilian of India.
ii) The Contestant must have accomplished the provided Educational Requirements, Sports Fitness, and Age as of 18.04.2022.
SPORTS Fitness:
Assignments will consist of an athlete the one has participated in one of the games/sports (as noticed in para-OS) and is deliberately honorable having to do with the following tests:
Sports characters have depicted:
(i) The Country in a Worldwide Contest in one of the tricks/sports noticed in the list at para-OS with the approval of the Area of Minority Relationships and Sports; or
(ii) A StatelUT in the Senior or Younger Level Interstate Championships arranged by the Civil Sports Federations acknowledged for one Area of Minority Incidents and Sports or National Plot arranged apiece Aboriginal American Olympics Partnership in one the trick/sports mentioned in para-OS; or
(iii) Their Academy in the Bury-Academy Tournaments transported for one Partnership of Aboriginal American Universities or the Bury-Academy Sports Board in one the plot/sports noticed in para-OS; or
(iv) United States of America School Teams in Public Sports! Plot for schools transported apiece All-India School Plot Partnership in one the games/sports noticed in para-OS; or
(v) Sportspersons the one have existed presented Domestic Awards in Material Effectiveness under the National Material Adeptness Drive.
Election OF THE Contestants:
The uses will be inspected and eligible applicants will be shortlisted to establish the judgment of their best three conducts in the last four ages (2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021). age and best efficiency of the competitor in their career in specific sports occurrences. For this purpose, all the fit bidders are necessary to present properly self-attested photocopies of their certificates.
The aspirants may be entailed a presentation before the collection cabinet for verification of the appropriate original documents at some stage of the conscription process.
The last excerpt for the assignment will be strictly orderly of merit that will have in mind established the judgment of the worried candidates having to do with high-quality three acts in the last four ages (2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021), highest in rank conduct of the contenders in their career and age.
In what way or manner TO Ask:
Users must be presented in the plan likely in Annexure~II and sent to the Joint Commissioner of Gains Tax, Command post (Staff& Institution), pI Floor, Range No. 14, Aayakar Shawan, P-7, Chowringhee Square, Kolkata-700069 by post / manually to reach the office of the subscriber on or before 28.11.2022 (until 6 periods afternoon and before sunset). The wrapper holding the request bear also be superscripted in this manner.
The picked contestants on assignment will be apt for entry at some place under the charge of the Principal Chief Commissioner of Revenue Tax, West Bengal & Sikkim Domain.
Sports bodies the one are then working by Central Administration State Management or PSU bear ascribe a “No Argument Authorization” (NOC) from the employer.
Self-affirmed photocopies of all documents for someone the claim concerning the date of the beginning, instructional requirements, sports eligibility certificates, social class authentication, etc. bear perpetually follow the user. Further, a self-affirmed photocopy of the Photograph Similarity authentication (Aadhar sheet! Elector ID Badge! Key! Driving License) is going to be encircled accompanying the use and a new authorization-size color photograph be going to again be backed the request form in the scope to help the purpose.
Requests received later than the due date will not take pleasure by any means. Wanting, unknown requests, or uses without the necessary annexures will be rebuffed forthwith and no agreement in the matter will accompany the applicant.