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Job Announcement From Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) 2022 with 1601 Vacancy of Stenographer Grade – I Post

Tamil Nadu Govt Jobs 2022 Arasuvelai 2022 Tamil Nadu Arasu Velai Vaippu 2022 Jobs Today Tamil TN Govt Jobs 2022 TN Govt Jobs 2022 Tamil TN Jobs Jobs Tamila Jobs 2022
Tamil Nadu Govt Jobs 2022 Arasuvelai 2022 Tamil Nadu Arasu Velai Vaippu 2022 Jobs Today Tamil TN Govt Jobs 2022 TN Govt Jobs 2022 Tamil TN Jobs Jobs Tamila Jobs 2022


Task Proclamation From Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) 2022 accompanying 1601 Opening of Person who composes with language Grade – I Post:


A) The bidder must be within the recommended age limit on the crucial date of fitness. Still, the superior age limit is relaxable for SC, ST, OBC-NCL, PwBD, ESM, MSP, Widows, Divorced Girls & Mothers judicially or freed from it their husbands the one are not remarried, Administrative Candidates accompanying three age of unending service in Principal Administration, Incapacitated Defence Services Cadre, Women shelter in J&K state during the ending from 01- 01-1980 to 31-12-1989 as per the rule recommended for one Government of India. No age entertainment is admitted for SC/ST/OBC-NCL aspirants applying against outspoken (UR) vacancies. Aspirants belonging to PwBD, ESM, MSP, Administrative Aspirants accompanying three years constant help in Principal Government, Incapacitated Defence Duties Workforce, and person shelter in J&K state all the while the ending from 01-01-1980 to 31-12-1989 categories, the one are requesting against UR vacancies will take age relaxation benefit only for their particular classification as above and no supplementary relaxation will take for owned by SC/ST/OBC-NCL category (Apply FAQs for further analyses).

B) For entertainment, proforma for certificates may be downloaded (if necessary) from the CEPTAM signboard for advertising on the DRDO site www.drdo.gov.in

Announcement OF SCORES AND Estimaning OF Contenders PUBLICALLY:

By the guidances circulated by DOPT vide allure O.M. No.39020/1/2016-Estt.

Dated 21.06.2016, following in position or time the proclamation of the result, DRDO will issue the scores/rankings of the restricted but not designated nominees on the website in downward order of putting.

(i) Name

(ii) Father’s name

(iii) Date of Beginning

(iv) Classification & sub-classification

(v) Masculine (vi) Instructional qualifications

(vii) Total marks acquired in the characterizing test

(viii) Rank in merit.

(ix) Correspondence address

(x) Electronic mail. Nevertheless, concurrently with the activity of filling up out the user form, the applicant will have the alternative to opt out of revealing the same analyses, publicly.


The person who does not succeed as an aspirant may be debarred forever or for a particularized ending from future recruitments. Canvassing in some form will bring about disability. In addition to that, CEPTAM reserves the right to file charges in court or register an Evergreen against the aforementioned candidates. The Grassroots campaigns can again be canceled at some stage of the recruitment on some ground that the arrangement considers expected sufficient cause for the erasure of the grassroots campaign.

COURTS Area of authority:

Any dispute concerning this conscription will be subject to the courts/tribunals bearing area of authority over Delhi only.

Operation AGAINST CANDIDATES Erect Blameworthy OF Malpractice:

Misrepresentation, concealing, or falsehood of cues detected at some stage of the draft process will influence the cancellation of the grassroots campaign, outside some notice, and no correspondence concerning this will take pleasure in. Contestants are warned that the grassroots campaign will be swiftly canceled at any stage of the conscription, in respect of contestants raise to have indulged in one of the following:

A) In the property of movable phones & accessories, Bluetooth schemes, and additional photoelectric gadgets inside the grounds and buildings of the test centers, whether common or exchanged-off way.

B) Involved in malpractices or utilizing wrongful wealth in the examination.

C) Complying falsified documents or documents which have happened misrepresented.

D) Making declarations that are incorrect or fake or restraining material facts.

E) Impersonation.

F) Frequenting to some different irregular or wrong method concerning his/her grassroots campaign for the test.

G) Misbehavior/Misbehaving by any means in the test corridor with the invigilators, test responsibility executives, or DRDO representatives.

H) Polling in some form or disruption of the test.

I) Moving some firearms/weapons, or unpleasant articles.

J) Giving examination terminal through detached producing publications with computer software operating system/Apps/LAN/Colorless, etc.

K) Attempt to taxicab or maneuver examination servers, dossier, and test plans at any point before, all the while, or subsequently after the Test.

L) Damaging Test connected infrastructure/supplies.

Determination OF TIE CASES:

In cases place more than individual aspirant secures equal aggregate marks in the Level-II examination (for the post of JTO) and Level-I (for additional posts), tie cases will have in mind by applying the following tests, consecutive, as appropriate till the tie is resolved.

A) Marks acquired in the Level-I test (for the post of JTO).

B) Date of birth, earlier thwarted (two together arms overwhelmed), orthopedically thwarted candidates the one have a locomotor disadvantage in what way the dominant paper limit is distressed to the extent of restricting unhappy the efficiency of the candidate (aforementioned imperfection expected indicated in the license, circulated for one competent expert, presented for one candidate) will grant permission compensative opportunity of 20 minutes per time and the convenience of the scribe in the test as per Govt of India orders.

(ii) As per F. No. 29-6/2019-DD-III Out-of-date 10th Aug 2022, aspirants having inferior 40% restriction and bearing difficulty written will grant permission compensative time of 20 records per moment and the ease of scribe on compliance of requested certificates & undertakings as per proforma.

(iii) Aspirants are required to influence their clerks at their own cost and choice.

(iv) All pronounced forms/formats are usable on our site.

(v) Question papers will not be determined in Braille for optically injured candidates.

Healing Flags:

  1. Faraway 6×6 without virus

  2. Familiar concept normal but accompanying fixings for bodies above 40 years adult

  3. Each eye must have a thorough visual field

  4. No Night and inability to distinguish one or more colors

Tangible Continuity Test:

Moving a burden of 63.5 kgs to a distance of 183 meters within 96 brief periods (Only for Firefighter post)

03-rhythm vertical line crawling (03 mtr extremities above ground)

20 sit-boosts

Expanse 2.7 Mts expansive ditch & landing on two together extremities (track and field event) (to achieve in some individual of the 03 chances likely)

Female Candidates:

1. Running a distance of 800 meters in 05 proceedings

Bearing a pressure of 63.5 kgs to a distance of 183 meters within 96 moments (Only for Firefighter post)

2.5-meter upright cord crawling (2.5 mtr foot above ground)

15 open-boosts


Track and field event of 2.0 mts (to achieve in some individual of the 03 chances likely)

Other relaxations:

Skilled is going to be a 10% entertainment in the performance flags for contestants old more than 40 age.

Request Commission, MODE OF Fee, D Discharge FROM Fee OF FEE:

A) Use Compensation: Non-refundable/Non-transferable request compensation of Rs. 100/- (Rupees individual hundred only) is to due for one nominee.


The salary searches are paid connected to the internet through a charge card/card for shopping without cash/net banking/Newsgathering organization. All appropriate duty charges i.e. bank charges be going to be carried by contestants only. Application wages compensated by the competitors the one destitute who completed their request or whose use is rebuffed will NOT be refunded. Request bill previously paid be going to NOT be returned by any means nor it will be adjusted against some different test. No representation against the aforementioned denial will be from something.

C) EXEMPTION FROM Fee OF Compensation:

All women and SC/ST/PwBD/ESM aspirants are exempted from fee of the use fee, as per surviving Govt. of India rules.

D) Ex-military, those who have already assured business in the civic side under the Central Management on formal action after availing of the benefits of condition likely to Ex-military for their re-employment, are NOT worthy of compensation adjustment.

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🔴 40 வினாடிகள் பின் இந்த இடத்தில் உங்களுக்கான OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION FORM  வரும்.


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