Advertisement Notification for Vacant Posts of Typist and Shorthand Typist Level-II in Nagapattinam District Judicial Department:
Applications are invited from eligible persons for temporary appointment to the below-listed vacancies in the Tamil Nadu Ministry of Justice in Nagapattinam District Judicial Department. Candidates having the following qualifications can apply by post in the appropriate form mentioned below along with xerox copies of relevant certificates (only with self-attestation. Photographs and copies of certificates should not be attested by the gazetted officer for any reason. Based on the verification of certificates, qualified persons will be invited to participate in the next stage of this selection process through this court website.
The name of the post, pay scale, vacancies, and racial rotation pattern are mentioned below:
Last Day:
Applications with current employment details, all educational certificates, caste certificates and preferential certificates (disabled, destitute widow, intermarriage, and others) one passport size photograph (with proper attestation), and photocopies of other certificates self-attested by “Chief District Judge, Chief District Court, Nagapattinam” should be sent by registered post to reach this authority by 05.45 PM on 09-09-2022.
Late uses for some reason will not be thought-out.
Candidates are requested to read and follow the instruction carefully before filling out and sending the applications.
The Principal District Judge, Nagapattinam has full power to select the eligible persons for the above appointment, postpone the examination or cancel the appointment report without any prior notice.
The age limit concessions will be implemented as per the existing Government Orders and Government Regulations.
Instructions to Candidates:
1. The posts to be filled will be filled purely on the basis of merit. If any information is found to suggest or interfere in any way, the applicant’s application will be rejected out of hand.
2. Applications should be filled in the prescribed form (specimen form available on the website) and sent by registered post only. Applications prepared in any other manner will not be accepted. More than one application submitted per post will be rejected. A candidate should send only one application in one postal envelope.
3. No more than one application should be sent in the same postal envelope. All the processions in the use must be suffused. No column should be left blank and clearly marked as “No”. Applications should be sent clearly on the top of the postal envelope and at the appropriate place in the application, the name of the post applied for, and the race cycle. Applications should be sent with passport-size passport) photographs pasted at the appropriate place on the application form and self-attestation on the top of the photograph.
4. Do not staple the photo. Call for Written Interview All communications will be published on the website https://districts.ecourts.gov.in/nagapattinam only. No personal information will be disclosed to the applicant in any other manner.
5. Candidates are therefore advised to keep a regular check on the above website for information. Attested copies of the relevant certificates of priority should be attached in cases where priority is claimed. Breakdown commotion so will result in the refusal of the request.
6. For the cycle system allotted for Tamil medium education, the information about Tamil medium education should be filled in the appropriate place in the application. Original certificates should not be sent for any reason.
7. Only copies of all certificates duly self-attested by the applicant should be sent along with the application.
8. Incomplete applications and applications containing incorrect information will be rejected outright.
9. Applicants should attach photocopies of any two of the below-mentioned documents with photographs for proof of residence.
Driving license.
Voter ID card.
family card
Aadhaar card