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Tamil Nadu Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department (TNRD)

candidature has been eventually cleared by TNAPEx. TNAPEx would be free to reject any operation, at any stage of the process, and cancel the candidature of the seeker in case it’s detected at any stage that a seeker doesn’t fulfill the eligibility morals and/ or that he or she has furnished any incorrect/ false information/ instrument/ documents or has suppressed any material fact( s).

still, no further representation in this regard will be entertained, If the candidature of any seeker is rejected for any reason according to the terms and conditions of this announcement.

still, his/ her services are liable to be pithily terminated, If any of these failings( s) are detected after an appointment in TNAPEx.

The decision of TNAPEx in all matters regarding the eligibility of the seeker, the stages at which similar scrutiny of eligibility is to be accepted, qualifications and other eligibility morals, the documents to be produced for the conduct of examination, interview, verification, etc.

and any other matter relating to the reclamation process will be final and binding on the seeker. No correspondence and particular inquiries shall be entertained by TNAPEx in this regard.

TNAPEx reserves the right to fix criteria similar to that for each post announced, not further than five campaigners are shortlisted for the interview.

In case fewer than five campaigners meet the criteria specified, or indeed if only one seeker meets the criteria specified, TNAPEx reserves the right to call the existent for the interview.

Not further than one operation should be submitted by the seeker. In the case of multiple operations, only the rearmost valid( submitted) operation will be retained.

Any disagreement arising out of the announcement including the reclamation process shall be subject to the sole governance of the Courts positioned in Chennai.

Any canvassing or creating influence for overdue advantage shall lead to disqualification from the process.

Any request for a change of address, or details mentioned in the submitted operation won’t be entertained later.

A seeker should ensure that the autographs added by him or her in all the places viz. in his/ her call letter, attendance distance, etc., and all correspondence with TNAPEX in the future should be identical and there should be no variation of any kind.

In case of operations from campaigners working in or retired from the Government, the former pay will be defended if there’s no pension.

In the case of pension, the remuneration will be fixed as per applicable G.Os. Aspirants from Government realities can attend the interviews without sanctioned authorization.

similar authorization, as per procedure in their current office, will be needed only if they’re named and intend to join in light of the short time frame within which the appointment to the said post is to be made.

campaigners will have to appear for the examination/ interview at their expense.

Appointment of named campaigners is subject to their being declared medically fit and as per other conditions of TNAPEx as mentioned in this announcement and subject to service and conduct rules of TNAPEx, as decided by the Board.

TNAPEx reserves the right to register change( cancel modify/ add) any of the criteria, the conduct of examination/ interview/ system of selection and provisional allotment, etc.

suggestions will be transferred to the aspirants by dispatch only to the primary dispatch address mentioned in the operation form submitted by the campaigners.

Hence, the aspirant shall enter a valid and functional mobile number and dispatch ID. still, campaigners need to check the reclamation section of the FaMe TN website for the rearmost updates about this announcement.

Applicable action against the campaigners set up shamefaced of misconduct/ use of illegal means will be taken as per the morals of TNAPEx.

TNAPEx shall not be responsible if the information/ suggestion doesn’t reach campaigners in case of a change in the mobile number, specialized fault, or else, beyond the control of TNAPEX, and the campaigners are advised to keep a close watch on our authorized website for the rearmost updates, till the reclamation process gets completed.

Depending on the demand, TNAPEx reserves the right to cancel or modify the number of vacuities, if the need so arises, without any further notice and without assigning any reasons thereof.

The below post, corresponding job description, and number of vacancies are subject to change from time to time depending upon the evolving requirements of the association. So, you’re advised to keep visiting the website for current vacancies and positions.

The decision of TNAPEx in all matters regarding the eligibility of the seeker, the stages at which similar scrutiny of eligibility is to be accepted, qualifications and other eligibility morals, the documents to be produced for the conduct of examination, interview, verification, etc.

and any other matter relating to the reclamation process will be final and binding on the seeker. No correspondence and particular inquiries shall be entertained by TNAPEx in this regard.

TNAPEx reserves the right to fix criteria similar to that for each post announced, not further than five campaigners are shortlisted for the interview.

In case fewer than five campaigners meet the criteria specified, or indeed if only one seeker meets the criteria specified, TNAPEx reserves the right to call the existent for the interview.

Not further than one operation should be submitted by the seeker. In the case of multiple operations, only the rearmost valid( submitted) operation will be retained.

Any disagreement arising out of the announcement including the reclamation process shall be subject to the sole governance of the Courts positioned in Chennai.

Any request for a change of address, or details mentioned in the submitted operation won’t be entertained later.

A seeker should ensure that the autographs added by him or her in all the places viz. in his/ her call letter, attendance distance, etc., and all correspondence with TNAPEX in the future should be identical and there should be no variation of any kind.

In the case of operations from campaigners working in or retired from Government, th

இந்த வேலைக்கு தேவையான அனைத்து விண்ணப்பங்களும் கீழே உள்ளது நண்பா


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