Particularized Endorsement AND Use FORM FOR RECRUITMENT TO Differing POSTS:
1. Shelter for military Board, St. Thomas Rise cum Pallavaram invites offline users in the recommended plan from eligible contenders for direct conscription to the beneath-noticed posts. Complete uses in all respects are going to reach the Chief executive, Commission of the Place to live or sleep Board, St. Thomas Affix cum Pallavaram, North Parade Line, St.Thomas Climb, Chennai – 600 016 (Tamilnadu) usually Post/Recorded Post/Speed Post only. However, for the nominees occupying Assam, Meghal, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti Region, and Pangi (Division of Chamba department of Himachal Pradesh), Andaman Nicobar and Lakshadweep islands, the last date for a certificate of offline requests is 28.02.2023 till 06: l 5 pm. No requests by handle-mail/messenger will be entitled.
2. Aspirants must write on the top of the wrapper “Request FOR THE POST OF ……………….. IN THE Classification ………………. (UR, SC, ST, OBC, ESM, PH (Reduced view) AND EWS),” while sending the use form.
(i) The Posts are silent for PH, in conditions of the Rights of Body accompanying D1sab1ht1es (RPWD) Act, 2016, and rules and instructions bordered thereunder as corrected now and then. PH Aspirants (Depressed concept) shall have a minimum of 40% disadvantage.
(ii) The Posts are unsociable for Economically Feebler Portions (EWS) in agreements of DoPT O.M. No. 36039/1 / 2019-Estt (Res) out-of-date 31.01.2019 as corrected now and then.
(iii) The Posts are unsociable for Ex-Military (ESM) in agreements of Ministry of Staff, Public Gripes & Pensions, DoPT O.M. No. 36034/3/2013-Estt. (Depend) out-of-date 25.02.2014 as corrected from time to time.
(iv) For the post of Obstetrician and Nanny, only female aspirants can request.
(i) The applicant must be a national of India.
(ii) The aspirants are going to present their requests, and complete entirely aspects, to The Chief executive, of Shelter for military Board, St Thomas Rise cum Pallavaram, Northward Parade Artery. The last date · for a certificate of offline requests is 15.02.2023 till 06:15 PM. Nevertheless, for the candidates dwelling in Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti Sector, and Pangi (Division of Chamba Community of Himachal Pradesh), Andaman Nicobar and Lakshadweep Peninsula; ls, the last date for a voucher of offline application is 28.02.2023 till 06: l 5 PM.
Contestants wanted to download the request form, which is ascribed at this moment. The accordingly suffused-in application form, complete completely, in addition to self-affirmed copies of all appropriate documents be going to be sent usually Post/Recorded Post/Speed Post only to the beneath-noticed address.
The Chief executive Officer of the Place to live or sleep Board St. Thomas Climb cum Pallavaram Northward Parade Highway St. Thomas Escalate Chennai – 600 016 (Tamilnadu).
The use shall reach inside the arbitrary deadline. It is renewed that no use by hand/ electronic mail/messenger will be entitled to. The St.Thomas Climb cum Pallavaram Shelter for military Board is freed from responsibility for any postal delay. Some use taken the deadline subsequently or through another channel viz email/manual/messenger will be forthwith rebuffed or not thought-out. The claimants are going to present their request right, enclosing the needed documents and unavoidable facts. If the facts are raised to be wrong at some stage, the user will be canceled. If the request endured for one applicant is established as expected wanting, unavailable, and does not hold the documents about essential qualifications and date of the beginning, the request will be canceled and no agreement will from something concerning this. The right to accept or deny the use will wait for accompanying the Chief executive, of Shelter for military Board, St. Thomas Mount cum Pallavaram.
Age Limit and allure Entertainment:
The stop date for deciding the age limit will be 15.02.2023. Candidates are going to note that only the Date of Beginning written in the Beginning Credential or Registration / Secondary School Test Affidavit or an Equivalent Certification ( or) Transfer Certification circulated by the Able Expert of the school, will be entitled to deciding the age limit fitness and no subsequent request for allure change will be thought-out or allowed.
Condition benefits:
(i) Restriction benefits will be accessible for the concerned type competitors for one direction/orders/circulars circulated from time to time for one Govt.
(ii) Applicants, the ones wish expected thought-out against unsociable vacancies and to seek age entertainment, must have the appropriate documentation circulated to the ruling class by the able informed expert (in the arbitrary plan) on or before the closing date of application; alternatively, their claim for ST / OBC / Guys accompanying Yardstick Restrictions (PwBD) / Ex-Military / EWS shall be rebuffed.
(iii)Concerning matters Thwarted competitors be going to have a minimum of 40% disability.
Use Expense:
The use salary is going to be paid through Demand Draft in consideration of the Chief executive, Place to live or sleep Board, outstanding at Chennai from Nationalized Banks only. The request expense once compensated is going to not be returned to the claimants, containing rejected seekers, by any means and cannot be secondhand for some future conscription process.
[su_button id=”download” url=”https://stm.cantt.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/sites/62/2023/01/Recruitment-Notice-with-Application-form-CBSTM-2023.pdf” target=”blank” style=”soft” size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”5″ desc=”இந்த வேலை கிடைக்க வாழ்த்துக்கள் நண்பா”]DOWNLOAD PLEASE[/su_button]