Similarity of Requirement:
Candidates demanding similarity of instructional qualification to the arbitrary instructional requirement should transfer and comply with evidence for their claim in the form of similarity Government Orders (G.O.). Those the one have used for their similar Government Orders.

concede the possibility of offering their similar Government Order concurrently with an activity of Warrant Proof (if called for) failing that their grassroots campaign will be forthwith rejected later in fairness.

Contestants who have acquired a Grade following in position or time undergoing of highest quality-period event (Double Degrees / Two-fold Qualities, supplementary degrees, etc.,) are not worthy to command this conscription.

Candidates the one have acquired some two or three of the required requirements (SSLC, HSC, U.G. standard, and B.Ed., point) simultaneously are not worthy to command this conscription.

A degree, later accomplishment of S.S.L.C. and Higher Subordinate Course (10+2+3 or more) as per Clarification-I of Division 25 of the Tamil Nadu Government Slaves (Environments assisting) Act, 2016.

The Candidates not bearing arbitrary abilities, as of the date of Notification are going to not be fit to command the examination.

The Contestants appease themselves with their fitness tests before administering them. All qualifying certificates containing the PSTM diploma concede possibility have been acquired on or before the last date for compliance of the suffused-in Online use reported in the conscription notification.

Able information of the official accent of the State, that is to say, Tamil:
No life is going to be eligible for the job with some help from direct recruitment except that he/she has enough information about the official language of the United States of America, that is to say, Tamil.

So that a person, being alternatively limited for assignment to the post to which conscription search out ought, may command conscription to the post, despite, at the time of specific use, he/she does not enjoy adequate information of Tamil.

If picked and named, such contestant bear pass the Inferior Language Test (Entire – test) in Tamil administered by apiece Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, within two ages from the date of the job failing which he/she will be dismissed from duty.

Binding Tamil language paper for conscription:
Although all contained in Portion 21, on and from the 1st epoch of December 2021, one who applies for conscription to some post in some service by direct conscription be going to pass the Tamil terminology paper in the examination administered for the conscription accompanying not less than quadragenarian allotment (40%) of total marks.

By what method TO APPLY:
Evidence for claims made for one competitor can be uploaded by the nominees concurrently with an activity of the Connected to the Internet Application itself. The unchanging will be confirmed afterward at the time of Affidavit Proof if entailed.

All the particulars and documents noticed in the Connected to the Internet use including the name of the applicant, post used for, the subject used for, communal restriction, date of beginning, address, and so forth other fields will be thought out definitively.

The Contenders can make some changes (adding/erasure) if necessary while enlarging the Connected to the Internet use before final compliance. No Modifications will grant permission subsequently the final compliance of the Connected to the Internet use.

Since certain fields are necessary and established and cannot be edited, contenders wanted to insert the Online use form accompanying maximum care and caution, as no correspondence concerning the change of those details will take pleasure in at any cost.

Unfinished or broken requests shall be promptly rebuffed. No likeness or correspondence concerning the aforementioned refusal shall form something by any means.

The bidders are advised to exercise due quickness concurrently with an activity of enlarging the application. As long as, if duplicate request of an applicant for the same subject is discovered, the Board will deem only a new application, if it is orderly.

Bidders bear upload the necessary Documents / Certificates for evidence in respect of all the claims fashioned in the application having to do with this Announcement event of submission of the Connected to the Internet use itself.

For the post of GRADUATE TEACHERS/ BLOCK Capability Scholar EDUCATORS (BRTE), Bidder who claims restriction under Guys Intentional in Tamil Medium (PSTM) category has to comply with Tamil Medium Study Guarantee in the recommended format (ANNEXURE I & II).

Aspirants who claim the stipulation under the Differently abled classification should transfer an Identity Poster and Passbook accompanying a Disadvantage Certificate circulated for one Able Authority.

No Disagreement Guarantee (N.O.C.):
Nominees who care for the Aboriginal American Joining a State in India or the employment of Local Carcasses or Academies, or Almost Government Arrangements established in consideration of the Government of India or of a State in India either in routine help or a temporary service need not transmit their request through their Head of Area or Employer.

Alternatively, they can straightforwardly apply to the Lecturers Conscription Board following in position or time duly updating their Owner in the manuscript that they are applying for the indicated conscription and provided that they should produce a “No Disagreement Guarantee” (NOC) in the form recommended in Annexure III, from Head of the Department or the Appointing Expert event of accompanying the Certificate Proof, if demanded.

(i) Humans who catch job following in position or time the submission of their requests and before the certificate of hint admitting bureaucracy to the Warrant Proof / requiring bureaucracy to produce original documents for proof endure also produce the “No Disagreement Documentation”.

(ii) Either any Criminal / Penalty is captured against some persons or if some penalty is dictated against such individuals subsequently the result of the “No Objection Authentication” (NOC) and before the real job, such nominees endure report this reality forthwith to the Professors Conscription Board displaying their Register Number. Any defilement or loss to obey these instructions will end in the refusal of the grassroots campaign.

இந்த வேலைக்கு தேவையான அனைத்து விண்ணப்பங்களும் கீழே உள்ளது நண்பா


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