Common Education FOR Competitors:
1. All the Positions are Co‐terminus accompanying the scheme.
2. The applicants are considered to express the information cautiously before contents up the request form. Applicants are powerfully considered to fill their use accompanying utmost care and caution because no request for some qualification(s) within will take pleasure in afterward compliance of the form to the TNBRD by any means.
Maximum Age Limit:
(a) 47 age for the post of Senior Chemist and Head
(b) 35 age for the post of Subject Matter Consultant
(c) 30 age for the post of Programme Helper (Researcher)
(d) 27 age for the post of Helper
(e) 27 age for the post of Recorder of court proceedings
The superior age limits recommended above will still be relaxable (as per ICAR rules) as particularized below:
i) until a maximum of Five (5) age if a competitor belongs to SC/ST.
ii) until a maximum of Three (3) ages in respect of nominees owned by Added Late Classes.
iii) For PwD aspirants, the superior age limit will be relaxable up to a maximum of 10 age. Contestants owned by SC / ST / OBC the ones hidden under the PwD type will be worthy of a grant of accruing age entertainment under two together classifications.
iv) Up to a maximum of Five (5) ages for nominees active in Management / Semi‐Govt / PSU / Independent Organisation.
v) To different bonafide disturbed humans/repatriates of Aboriginal American inception / Armament Often military/ Border Security Force Staff; etc. as per the existent command of the Administration of India on the subject.
vi) Skilled will be no age limit for the post from Sl. No. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 for ICAR Workers. Preserve as given above, the age limits recommended can in no case be easygoing.
4. Singular application for the individual post will be entitled to, as per proforma in addition to self-affirmed copies of appropriate certificates and Rs.25/ marked self-focused on the wrapper. The photograph bear is self-affirmed.
5. The wrapper holding the application form endure be superscribed in insolent replies as ‘Request FOR THE POST OF ____________________________________________________’.
6. Local sound (Tamil) is favored.
7. In respect of Sl. No. 1 ‐ Senior Physicist and Head post, Pay sameness credential that is, pay tense as equivalent to the prescribed pay scale of Rs.15600‐39100 accompanying Grade Pay of Rs.5400 / Rs.6000 / Rs.7000 / Rs.8000 pay scale in 6th CPC, from the able expert of the last/prior arrangement place the candidate is processed.
8. Arbitrary age limit bear be limited to the Closing Date of Use.
9. Persons earlier in utilization can transmit their use through the correct channel to TNBRD, Chennai Commission on or before the due date failing that welcome/her grassroots campaign for the post worried hopeful rejected. No Disagreement Diploma bear be supported concurrently with an activity of the Interview apiece contender.
10. Requests bear be endured in the arbitrary proforma rigidly typed/in the manuscript. Aspirants before requesting the post must assuage that they are fit to ask and conform to the tests / essential Ability / Age etc., arbitrary for the post. Analyses of experience, properly self-affirmed Photocopies of documentation of aptitudes and happening in the appropriate pay scale each position owned by the able expert of the institution to be ascribed to the use. If some news supplied for one contestant is erect fake at some stage welcome/her use/appointment will be canceled.
11. Use form must follow a Bank check / Demand Draft of
(a) Rs. 500/ for the post of Senior Chemist & Head and Theme Technician (Gardening)
(b) Rs. 300/ for the post of Programme Helper (Researcher), Helper, and Assistant
(SC/ST/Persons accompanying Restrictions are exempted and the appropriate certification bear be encircled) tense in consideration of the “TAMIL NADU BOARD OF Country Growth, CHENNAI” outstanding at Chennai, failing that the application will be rebuffed. No additional way of fee like a check for paying money, NEFT, etc., The date of the Certified check bear is not before the date of issue of the poster, and the unchanging bear continues for three months. Candidate must scrawl ‘Welcome / Her name and Post used on the hind part of the Bank check.
12. No TA will be due in the direction of the Interview.
13. No agreement will take pleasure from the aspirants for choice/interview/job.
14. Name of the post for which the user must be marked on the wrapper in addition to the sender’s name and address. The use concedes the possibility to be called to the “THE Premier, TAMIL NADU BOARD OF Country Happening, Post Box No. 8811, T. Nagar, Chennai – 600 017, Tamil Nadu.”
15. The last date for the voucher of the application is 22112022.
16. Contestants in their interest are considered to offer their requests well according to schedule and before the last date to prevent likely delays in postal transportation. Institute will not arrange some postal delay. Requests taken after the end of the last date will not be thought-out and diverted and no agreement concerning this will should.
17. The conscription process will be contingent on the area of authority of Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
18. The Boss, TNBRD, Chennai reserves the right to abort the recruitment to the post/s outside appointing some reason thereof.
1) Properly suffused request form
2) Rs.25/‐ marked self-called wrapper.
3) Demand Draft and the Copy of the self-attested following documents,
4) For Age evidence ‐ S.S.L.C. / Equivalent ‐ Mark covering / Beginning Authorization
5) H.S.C or Equivalent Mark coating
6) Grade documentation accompanying the Combine Mark page
7) Society Affidavit for those who claim Wage yielding & age entertainment under SC/ST types.
8) Man accompanying Restriction Documentation circulated for one Approved Medical Expert for PWD contestants.
9) OBC (NCL) guarantee for those the one demanded Age yielding under OBC.
10) Active occurrence authorization & some added appropriate certificate copies.