Users are persuaded by eligible contenders only through connection to the internet trend for direct recruitment to the post of Fitness Deputy contained in the Tamil Nadu Public Health Duty.
The test for this post is going to be transported in Computer Located Test (CBT) Order.
All recruitments for one Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission are merit-located.
The Tamil Nadu Civil service Commission herewith cautions the applicants against publicizing and powers that one can cheat, by making false promises of acquiring tasks through illegal means.
The Tamil Nadu Civil service Commission is going to not mature or answerable for any deficit that grants permission to stem to any candidate as a result of satisfying in some sort of trades accompanying aforementioned unscrupulous materials.
Aspirants are only being the reason for their claims in the online request. They cannot blame help providers like computer network cafes/browsing centers/Average Aid centers for the mistakes fashioned while requesting online conscription. Candidates are considered to check the suffused-in online request and the necessary documents (see Annexure II) before ultimately offering the unchanging.
The seekers shall mandatorily transfer the certificates/documents (for someone all the claims created / details supplied in the connection to the internet request) concurrently with an activity of submission of the link to the internet use itself. It is going to be ensured for one candidate that the connection to the internet request shall not be complied with outside uploading the necessary certificates.
Applicants are supervised to state all the news/education/guidelines likely in this place announcement and the Commission’s “Instructions to candidates” before requesting this conscription. Explanation if any is necessary, and grant permission is got over the telephone and email well in front of the last date for compliance of the connection to the internet application. Nominees bear to understand the commands given in the relation to the internet request still.
ONE-TIME Enrollment:
Seekers must register their elementary details through one – a period connected to the internet enrollment system for the fee of Rs. 150/- (Rupees Individual hundred and having 50 of something only) towards the enrollment fee and therefore they bear request online for this conscription. [The previous enrollment will continue for five years from the date of enrollment. From that time forward, the enrollment endures be renewed by repaying the arbitrary bill.] Time Enrollment will not be deliberate as a request for some posts.
(i) For Women accompanying Standard Disability:
Individuals accompanying Yardstick Restriction are eligible for age adjustment until 10 age and above the maximum age limit arbitrary. (Division 64 of the Tamil Nadu Administration Assistants (Conditions valuable) Act, 2016)
(ii) For Ex-military (possible choice):
a) The maximum age limit for Ex-servicemen is 50 age. (Portion 63 of the Tamil Nadu Management Helpers (Conditions valuable) Act, 2016 and as per G.O (Ms). No.91, Workforce Administration (S) department, out-of-date 13.09.2021)
b) The indicated age yielding will not relate to the Ex-servicemen candidates the one have previously happened recruited to some class or aid or type. (Section 3(j) of the Tamil Nadu Administration Attendants (Environments influential) Act, 2016)
i) Candidates so picked concede the possibility to withstand an Orientation Preparation Course in Community health for three months before their entry. All along the period of preparation, they are going to do the first cell in level 23 in the Pay Origin.
ii) General medical care:- Energy Chiefs are not allowed to employ themselves in general medical care afterward an appointment.
(i) The instructional aptitude arbitrary for the posts concede possibility have been acquired avoid the requirement in the following order of studies: 10th + HSC or its equivalent + Bachelor’s Degree as necessary under Division 25 of the Tamil Nadu Administration Servants (Environments influential) Act, 2016. The results of the test concede possibility has been asserted on or before the date of the announcement. (Division 20(4)(iv) of the Tamil Nadu Government Assistants (Environments assisting) Act, 2016).
(ii) Seekers claiming similarity of the requirement to the recommended qualification concede the possibility to transfer data to a server and offer evidence for the similarity of qualification, in the form of a management order circulated on or before the date concerning this notification, and offer it in addition to the connected to the internet request, failing which, their request will be swiftly rebuffed after lawfulness. The administration orders concerning the sameness of qualification circulated later the date concerning this announcement will not be accepted.
Fashion OF Fee OF Test FEE:
CBT Test salary of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two hundred only), is outstanding by connected to the internet mode through Net Investment / Charge card / Card for shopping without cash on or before the last date of submission of the connection to the internet use by selecting the alternative in the online request.
Seekers have again to pay the service charges as appropriate.
Aspirants can avail dispensation from repaying examination wages as per fitness tests.
Offline mode of fee in the form of Demand Draft / Postal Order etc. will not be entitled to and the requests shipped with aforementioned styles of the fee will be arbitrarily rejected.
Those the one have recorded in the Previous Registration arrangement and compensated the enrollment payment of Rs.150/- and received the enrollment ID need not pay the Enrollment commission i.e., Rs.150/- and it is enough to pay the test compensation unique.
Aspirants who have created Previous Enrollment must pay the prescribed test compensation for this conscription except that fee discharge is demanded (Individual–Time Enrollment is only to avail dispensation for the Enrollment payment for 5 years from the date of enrollment and it will not be thought-out as arbitrary examination wage for this conscription).
Draft Process:
Selection will be in two following stages that are, (i) a Test (Computer Located Test Pattern) and (ii) a Spoken Test in the shape of an interview. The final option will establish the total marks got by the candidates at the CBT test and spoken test taken together liable to be subjected to the rule of the condition of assignments. Seeker’s appearance in the CBT test and spoken test is binding. The applicant the one has not come into view for one of the issues in the CBT examination or Spoken Test will not be thought-out for election, even if he/she secures the minimum restricting marks for option. (For further analyses concern para 18(B) of the ‘Instructions to Claimants’).
Fundamentally the choice will be for ‘three’ carried forward vacancies and Second, the pick will ought for ‘9’ regular vacancies for the post of ‘ Well-being Deputy’ following the rule of restriction. [Division 27 of the Tamil Nadu Government Slaves (Environments beneficial) Act, 2016].
The Test will see in Chennai (0101) Only.
Aspirants endure appearing for the CBT examinations/documentation proof/spoken test at their expense.
Job Analyses:
Contestants the one are in the service of the Aboriginal American Joining or a State in India or the hiring by Local Bodies or Academies or Almost Administration Arrangements Public Sector Parts established in consideration of the Government of India or a State in India, either in common aid or employment search agency must inform the Commission of specific evidence, concurrently with an activity of asking. Suppression of the experience of hiring by contestants shall influence the denial of the grassroots campaigns following in position or time due process. Aspirants bear to produce a No Argument Certificate when demanded [For further analyses concern para. 14 (P) of “Education to Applicants’]
Proclamation Concerning CRIMINAL CASES (OR) Corrective CASES:
(i) Candidates the one have asserted undecided criminal or corrective cases in their online request, must transfer data to a server a copy of the First News Report (FIR) or directive of charges/legitimize notice, possibly. Deterioration to upload aforementioned documents in addition to the connection to the internet application is going to influence the refusal of the candidature afterward society.