Thoothukudi District Tamil Nadu Rural Livelihood Movement District Nature Management Beauty District Nature Manager and District Coordinator Vacancy Notification
Tuticorin District, District Nature Management Beauty, Regional Nature Management Room. Regional Operations Manager and Coordinator posts are vacant. In order to complete contractually. Applications are invited from eligible persons on 10.08.2022 at 5:45 PM.
Important Notes:
1. Candidates’ proof of educational qualification, caste certificate, computer training, proof of attainment, and proof of preference. Must be connected.
2. Particulars in the application form. Must be completed and submitted in full. Incomplete applications will be rejected.
3. Ineligible and late applications will be rejected.
4. The Administration has the power to reject an application.
Completed applications with copies of relevant certificates, Project Director, District Nature Management from 10 am on peak working days. Can be delivered in person or by post up to 5:45 p.m. Project Director, Tamil Nadu Rural Livelihoods Movement, District Nature Management Beauty, District Collector Office Complex, Second Floor, Keram Pallam – 628 101, Gudi District. should be sent by registered mail to the address on Wednesday 10.08.2022 at five forty-five in the evening.