![Tamil Nadu Govt Jobs 2022 Arasuvelai 2022 Tamil Nadu Arasu Velai Vaippu 2022 Jobs Today Tamil TN Govt Jobs 2022 TN Govt Jobs 2022 Tamil TN Jobs Jobs Tamila Jobs 2022](https://jobstamila.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Tamil-Nadu-Govt-Jobs-2022-Arasuvelai-2022-Tamil-Nadu-Arasu-Velai-Vaippu-2022-Jobs-Today-Tamil-TN-Govt-Jobs-2022-TN-Govt-Jobs-2022-Tamil-TN-Jobs-Jobs-Tamila-Jobs-2022-17-1024x576.jpg)
Requests are proposed from eligible aspirants only through connection to the internet manner until 14.12.2022 for direct recruitment to the post of a Helper Faculty member of Therapy –cum-Clinical Psychotherapist contained in the Tamil Nadu Healing Duty:
1. All recruitments by the Tamil Nadu Civil service Commission are merit-located.
2. The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission herewith cautions the candidates against publicizes and powers who can cheat, by making dishonest promises of acquiring jobs through prejudiced methods.
3. The Tamil Nadu Civil service Commission is going to not be responsible or answerable for some deficit that grants permission be caused to some aspirant as a result of indulging in some in a way commerce accompanying such immoral aspects.
4. Aspirants are solely the reason for their claims in connection to the internet request. They cannot blame aid providers like internet cafes/skimming centers/Prevailing Help centers for the mistakes made while administering connected to the internet for conscription. Aspirants are advised to check the suffused-in connected to the internet request along with the necessary documents (visualize Annexure III) before certainly complying with the same.
5. The claimants be going to mandatorily transfer data to a server the certificates/documents (in support of all the claims created / analyses supplied in the connection to the internet application) concurrently with an activity of compliance of the connection to the internet application itself. It is going to be guaranteed to apiece candidate that the online request is going to not be presented without uploading the necessary certificates.
6. Seekers are supervised to express all the information/directions/directions likely in this place notification and the Commission’s “Education to seekers” before administering this recruitment. Explanations of some are necessary, and grant permission is obtained over the telephone and electronic mail well in front of the last date for submission of the connection to the internet request. Contestants concede the possibility follow the information likely to the connected to the internet application further.
Previous Enrollment:
Aspirants must register their essential particulars individually – an opportunity connected to the internet registration plan on the fee of Rs. 150/- (Rupees Individual hundred and having 50 of something only) towards the registration compensation and therefore they bear apply connected to the internet for this conscription. The registration bear is refreshed from that time forward by repaying the arbitrary fee. Occasion Enrollment will not be deliberate as an application for some posts.
(i) The instructional ability arbitrary for the posts should have existed acquired avoid the necessary qualification in the following order of studies: 10th + HSC or allure equivalent + Bachelor’s Grade + P.G Strength as required under Portion 25 of the Tamil Nadu Administration Attendants (Environments of Service) Act, 2016. The results of the test concede possibility happened declared on or before the date of the announcement. (Division 20(4)(iv) of the Tamil Nadu Management Helpers (Conditions valuable) Act, 2016).
(ii) The restriction’s deliberate equivalent is indicated in Annexure II to this announcement.
(iii) Aspirants demanding sameness of qualification to the arbitrary ability bear upload and offer evidence for the similarity of requirement, in the form of an administration order issued on or before the date concerning this announcement, and endure it along with the connection to the internet request, failing that, their request will be summarily rebuffed later society.
(i) The total number of free chances availed, will be planned for established claims fashioned in former applications.
(ii) The number of free chances used for one claimant concedes the possibility be verified by apiece Commission at some stage of the draft process.
(iii) In case a candidate forms a dishonest claim for immunity from payment of the requested expense by restraining information concerning welcome/ her prior use(s) his/her grassroots campaign be going to be rebuffed after fairness.
(iv) Candidates are supervised to cautiously choose the alternatives ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ concerning availing of the bill concession.
(v) Seekers are considered in their interest, to maintain a report of the number of times compensation yielding has existed availed, regardless of the news presented in the claimant instrument panel.
(vi) An use (irrespective of the post used for) demanding wage yielding will operate to expel individual chance from the number of free cases admitted.
(vii) Applicants the one have used the maximum number of free chances granted / seekers who do not wish to avail of the expense yielding/candidates the one are not eligible for commission adjustment, going to choose the alternative ‘No’ against the query concerning bill yielding. Such seekers are going to from that time forward pay the requisite commission through the recommended fad of the fee.
(viii) Failure to pay the arbitrary payment shortly along with the connection to internet use, will influence the denial of the application afterward in society.
Way OF PAYMENT OF Test Compensation:
1. CBT Test commission of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two hundred only), is payable by connecting to the internet style through Net Investment / Credit card / Card for shopping without cash on or before the last date of compliance of the connection to the internet request by choosing the alternative in the connected to the internet request.
2. Applicants have likewise to pay the help charges as appropriate.
3. Claimants can avail exemption from repaying test salaries as per eligibility tests.
4. Offline fad of fee in the form of Demand Draft / Postal Order etc. will not be entitled to and the applications shipped accompanying aforementioned trends of payment will be forthwith rebuffed.
5. Those the one have registered in the Previous Enrollment structure and rewarded the registration compensation of Rs.150/- and taken the enrollment ID need not pay the Registration account that is, Rs.150/- and it is enough to pay the test commission alone.
6. Claimants the one have created One-Time Enrollment must pay the arbitrary test wage for this recruitment except that bill dispensation is claimed (Individual–Opportunity Enrollment is only to avail exception for the Registration wage for 5 ages from the date of enrollment and it will not be considered as recommended test expense for this conscription).
Instructions to the contenders the one have happened exempted from Tamil Eligibility Test:
i) As per the orders circulated in G.O. (Ms.) No.49, Human Reserve Administration (M) Area, dated 23.05.2022, express in addition to G.O. Ms.No.8, Prosperity of Differently Abled Customers (Bounce 3.2) Area, out-of-date 21.09.2021, the differently-abled aspirants the one are even beneath the 40% of disadvantage can also avail the exemptions from letter Tamil Fitness Test namely Part-A in Paper-II of examination if they have demanded aforementioned exemptions in their connection to the internet request.
ii) The candidates the one have happened exempted to create Tamil Eligibility Test be going to grant permission to pen only the Accepted Studies Paper i.e. Part-B in Paper-II.
iii) Part-A of Paper-II Tamil Fitness Test is going to hold 100 questions from 1 to 100. Part B of Paper II the General Studies paper holds 100 questions from 101 to 200 and the moment of truth event to compose each part of the pronounced test be going to be given 1.30 Employment recruiting and management.
iv) All the exempted nominees accompanying a disadvantage who have material restraints about calligraphy, including that of speed and not availing the aids of a copyist be going to again be allowed compensative occasion of a minimum of thirty proceedings for an examination of individual and a half hours (1.30hrs.) event in the Common Studies paper as per G. O. Ms.No.8, Prosperity of Differently Abled Guys (Bounce 3.2) Area, dated 21.09.2021.
v) The pronounced exempted aspirants must engage in the examination gallery in the AN gathering half a time before the initiation of the examination (that is till 1.30 P.M).
vi) In the case of the OMR design of the test, they shall grant permission to rewrite the test from 2.00 Period afternoon and before sunset to 4.00 P.M., and in the case of the CBT order, they be going to grant permission to write the test from 2.30 Period afternoon and before sunset to 4.30 Period afternoon and before sunset All the nominees are permitted to leave the test corridor only subsequently the closure of test despite they are exempted to scrawl Tamil Fitness Test.
vii) The disability authorization as recommended in the Postscript to G.O. (Ms.) No. 8, Welfare of Otherwise Abled Individuals (Bounce 3.2) Area, dated 21.09.2021, endure be acquired from the able authority (namely. Chief Healing Deputy / Community Surgeon / Healing Custodian /Informed Medical Expert of an Administration Health Management Organization) and it has to be caused/uploaded in addition to the connected to the internet application failing that, the request of the bidder (the one claims exemption from Tamil Fitness Test) will be rebuffed afterwards society.
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40 வினாடிகள் பின் இந்த இடத்தில் உங்களுக்கான OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION FORM வரும்.
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