India Post Recruitment 2022 | 60544 Postman and Mail Guard Vacancy Released


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Administration of India Bureau of Route Department of Posts:


Rewriting of Area of Posts (Mailman and Mail Guard) Conscription Rules, 2022’rcg.

The petitioner is supervised to say that as per DoPT’s O.M. No. AB1401716tt2008’Estt(RR) out-of-date 13.10.2015, the suggestion for building /improvement of Conscription Rules (RRs) has expected uploaded on the website of the specific Bureau/Area for 30 days for captivating comments from the collaborators.

2. Competent Expert in the Area of Posts has certain to edit the RRs commanding job to the post of Postman and Mail Guard in the Area of Posts. A draft of the projected RRs is attributed at this moment for pursuing comments from partners.

3. Stakeholders are wanted to search the draft Conscription Rules and supply their comments, if some, to the undersigned inside individual periods from the date of the issue concerning these ideas.

4. Draft RRs be going to be available on the site of the Area of Posts all the while t5.1L.2022 to 14.12.2022.

Mail Guard in the Area of Posts, Bureau of Systems of information exchange:

1. Short title and commencement.— (1) These rules grant permission to be named the Area of Posts Postal worker and Mail Guard (Group ‘C’ post) Conscription Rules, 2022.

2. They be going to come into force on the date of their newspaper in the Official Journal.

2. Number of posts, categorization, and level in the payment form.— The number of posts, their categorization, and level in the pay matrix joined thereto be going to be as particularized in processions (2) to (4) of the Schedule adjoined to these rules.

3. Procedure of recruitment, age limit, requirements, etc.— The means of conscription, age limit, abilities, and additional matters having a connection with the said posts, be going to be as particularized in lines (5) to (13) of the pronounced Schedule.

4. Disability.— No person,

(a) the one has filed into or declined a wedding accompanying one having a man living; or

(b) the one bearing a wife living has filed into or weakened a marriage accompanying one, be going to be fit for the job to the said post:

So that the Main Management grant permission if gratified that specific marriage is allowable under the private society appropriate to aforementioned and the added party to the wedding and skilled are different bases for achievement so, exempt any person from the movement concerning this rule.

5. Conscription to do in the Company Written correspondence.—Any person named to the posts particularized in the Schedule be going to be apt to do in the Company Postal Service in India or overseas, as necessary.

6. Capacity to lessen.— Place the Principal Government thinks that it should or expedient so commotion, it can, by order, for reasons expected written in writing, lessen one the supplying of these rules have to do with some class or classification of persons.

7. Funds.— Nothing in these rules is going to influence restriction, entertainment adult limit, and other yieldings necessary expected deal with the Due Castes, the Scheduled Families, ex-Military, Added Bashful Classes, and different distinctive categories of customers for one orders circulated for one Main Administration from time to time concerning this.

Name of post:


Age-limit for direct recruits:

(i) Betwixt 18 and 27 age. (Relaxable for contenders belonging to the Due Castes, Due Families, Different Bashful Classes, Women with Yardstick Restrictions (PwBDs), Ex-Military, Administration helpers, or some other class or type of characters for one direction circulated by the Administration of India).


1. In the case of conscription created through the Stick Choice Commission (SSC), the important date for determining the age limit is going to be theoretical for one SSC.

2. As long as conscription is fashioned through a mode apart from through SSC, the critical date for deciding the age limit be going to be the closing date for a certificate of use from candidates in India and not the closing date arbitrary for those in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Breach of J&K State, Lahaul & Spiti department and Pangi Division of Chamba department of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Ladakh or Lakshadweep.

(ii) Superior age for Gramin Dak Sevaks* be going to be 50 or something age as of the 1 st era of January of the old age to which the opening apply or as per the directions circulated for one Administration of India from time to time (Relaxable for those owned by Due Social class/ Due Family up to five age and for those owned by Additional Late Castes until three age).

*Gramin Dak Sevaks are holders of civic posts but they are outside the consistent System which controls the organization due at which point their job is medicated as direct recruitment.

Arrangement of conscription either by direct conscription or by publicity or by deputation or assimilation and allotment of the vacancies expected suffused by differing forms.


1. The scheme for Restricted Administrative Cutthroat Test for publicity is going to be as per the administrative education circulated in apiece Area of Posts now and then. The aforementioned test is going to likewise contain a test of the local expression of the worried Postal Circle or Division and a Dossier Access Ability Test.

2. The blueprint for direct conscription of Gramin Dak Sevaks established Competitive Test and direct conscription from the free competition going to be as per supervisory directions issued for one Area of Posts now and then. The earlier test shall involve a test of the local speech of the worried Postal Circle or Breach and a Dossier Entry Ability Test.

3. Gramin Dak Sevaks are keepers of civic posts but they are outside the balanced System which controls organization due at which point their appointment acted as direct conscription.