Requests are led in the prescribed plan through Electronic mail until 19.09.2022 at 5.00 PM for Direct Conscription to the following posts in Cantonment Board Wellington:
Test Expense:
The test fee of Rs.150/- (Rupees Individual hundred and having 50 of something only) is owed only through Connected to the internet Mode [IMPS/NEFT/RTGS].
Minimum and Maximum age mean only the achieved age. No age entertainment for SC/ST/OBC candidates the one is administering for the posts noticed in the Frank category.
[Above-age entertainment will be appropriate for particular classifications, only if the posts are unsociable for a particular type.]
Accepted Facts:
a) The number of vacancies advertised is only approximate and is responsible for qualification containing decline concerning opening positions at whatever time before the accomplishment of selection.
b) No transport, TA/DA, or some additional concession will be paid for performing the composed test/ Ability test.
c) Candidates previously portion in some acknowledged institution, an independent material, or Main/State Government attempt bear request through the correct channel.
d) The above post is lasting and the trial ends will be as per the rules. The CEO that is the Able Expert reserves the right to recognize/reject some or all the uses / all conscription processes without appointing some reasons thereof.
e) If the claimant wishes to apply for an as well individual post, different use for each post bear be presented through electronic mail.
The ability test is only distinguishing in type except that the post of safaiwala. The marks obtained in the ability test for one claimant who is asserted restricted for admittance to the inscribed examination will not be expected for deciding their conclusive order of merit. For safaiwala, only skill tests will pass away into concern for an ending order of merit and skilled will be no written test. Skilled will be no interview for one of the indicated posts.
NO OBJECTION Documentation AND Facts TO THE Manufacturer FOR THE Existent EMPLOYEE Introduce / Main Administration / PSU ETC:
No Argument Certificate got from the appropriate expert is going to be produced event of Affidavit Proof. Disappointment to produce the same event of Authentication Proof will lead to the refusal of the grassroots campaign.
By what TO Request:
[As a part of mathematical India pushes and decrease in the usage of the monumental book of documents, the Conscription applications/Corridor tickets are being taken/shipped digitally only]
1) Applicants are wanted to visit the page https://wellington.cantt.gov.in/conscription/
2) Log in to the Surpass sheet free in the link “Use Design in Surpass format” under https://wellington.cantt.gov.in/conscription/
3) The downloaded design concedes the possibility to be filled and sustained on the Producing publications with computer software/Desktop computer/Cellular telephone. (Please don‟t rename the surpass coating).
4) The aspirant should have a currently thumbed through the exact likeness of their photograph and sign as per the specifications and directions are likely in the “Help to set Photograph and Sign in Prescribed Amount” under https://wellington.cantt.gov.in/conscription/.
5) The suffused Surpass sheet (Use) in addition to a currently scanned exact likeness the Photograph and sign of the contestant bear be attached and emailed to the electronic mail address cbwell.rect@gmail.com. The subject of the Electronic mail concede possibility be “Application for the post of XXXX”
6) The uses taken through some added stream / any additional official electronic mail IDs concerning this except cbwell.rect@gmail.com will not be deliberate valid uses.
7) Select the Post used in the surpass sheet that the seeker wishes to request.
8) All the details mentioned in the use containing the name of the Aspirant, Post applied, Instructional Abilities, Shared Type, Date of Birth, Address, Electronic mail ID, etc. will be thought-out last and no modifications will be allowed from that time forward. Aspirants are wanted to fill out the application form accompanying surprisingly wonderful care and caution as no agreement regarding change of analyses will take pleasure in.
9) All the fields on the Surpass page are Mandatory. The seeker endures filling all the fields noticed in the Excel Design. The candidate the one who has not suffused all the fields will not be considered a right request that leads to denial.
10) Need not send the paper version of the document of the use or some other upholding documents to the Place to live or sleep Board Wellington. The affidavit proof will be done only for the picked and waitlisted competitors.
11) Separate uses have to be shipped each post.
12) The uses took after the due date and opportunity, unfinished or without contents all fields be going to not be thought-out, anything. This office will not arrange some undertaking delay / non-receipt of use form / Gallery check.
13) The bidder shall see is the reason for the propriety of all information likely by him/her and as long as some news/documents are found expected wrong at a later stage, the operation is going to be taken against the contestant, as regarded fit.
14) The Corridor Tickets for appearing in the Inscribed Test / Ability Test / Two together for worthy candidates will be shipped through Electronic mail only. The claimants must comply with each education likely in the Corridor Ticket.
[Apply Directions TO Offer APPLICATION under https://wellington.cantt.gov.in/conscription/ for help]
Added Main Education:
Applicants concede the possibility guarantee their fitness for examination:
The Aspirants asking for the test bear go through all education painstakingly and guarantee that they fulfill all fitness environments for confirmation to the test. Their admission to all stages of the test will be contingent and liable to be subjected to satisfying the fitness environment.
Complaint Redressal Cell for the counseling of candidates:
With the understanding of some guidance /facts/explanation of their requests, candidature, etc., seekers can contact Shelter for military Board Wellington Commission independently or over Telephone No.0423-2230213 on all active days middle from two points 10.00 a.m.
Movable Phones and other Items Outlawed:
i. Claimants are barred to bring Basic Phones, Watches, and Ring accompanying Deep-rooted Memory Outline, Bluetooth ploys, etc., or some different Electronic design and Non Photoelectric tools such as P&G Design Dossier Book, Books, Outline, Help Bags, and Record Device either as a different piece or contained entity secondhand by the aspirant to a degree Watch or Ring, etc., to the test hall/range on the date of the test.
ii. If they are established to have some such thing or mechanism they will not grant permission to address the examination further, besides abolition of answer paper and/or exclusion. If it is thought-out inevitable they will be subjected to an all-encompassing material search containing frisking on the spot.
iii. Do not influence into the Test Gallery some article to degree books, outline, vague sheets, electronic or some additional type of calculators, numerical and illustration instruments, Record Tables, stencils of maps, accelerate rules, Content Books, harsh sheets, etc., except the permitted calligraphy material (that is a pen).
iv. Candidates are advised in their interest not to influence one of the outlawed parts including Movable Phones to the scene of the test, as arrangements for cover cannot be confident.
Seekers are optional to submit in addition to their use some certificates in support of their claims concerning age, instructional abilities, tangible qualification, society certificates, and certificates concerning their physical incapacity, etc., which endure being endured when demanded by apiece Wellington Cantonment Board.
The contestants requesting the test should guarantee that they conclude all the fitness environments for admission to the Test.
Their confirmation by any means of the stages of test for which they are accepted unrecoverable namely. Written Test and Ability Test will be simply contingent, subject to their fulfilling the recommended fitness conditions. If on proof at whatever time before or afterward the Composed / Skill Test, it is established that they do not conform to any of the fitness environments, their grassroots campaign for the conscription will be canceled by the Board.
If one of their claims are erect expected incorrect, it will bring about denial/expulsion.
Prejudiced means are rigidly forbidden:
No seeker shall copy from the documents of some added candidate or permit his documents expected reproduced or likely or attempt to give or acquire or attempt to acquire uneven assistance of some writing.